Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
TFTSG Membership Database
The following is a print-out of the TFTSG Membership Database for the 2009-2012 IUCN Quadrennium. The information available here is for TFTSG networking and data-sharing purposes and all members are encouraged to reach out to each other as pertinent based on areas of expertise and geographic or taxonomic focus. As you face turtle conservation-relevant issues in your area or concerning species you care about or wish to focus on, consider using this network to find potential collaborators or sources of information or assistance. Either search the database using the built-in "Find" feature for your web-browser, or scroll through or print out the entire database.
This database is for the private use of individual TFTSG members only and should not be shared with anyone.
Do not abuse the privacy of our members by distributing or sharing personal information.
As your personal and professional data change, PLEASE notify us of all changes and updates
(send changes for this database to Anders Rhodin),
and especially if you change your email
(then also notify Darrell Senneke at [email protected] in order to be updated on the TFTSG listerve).
Much of the data in this database for members that filled out data sheets during the 2004-2008 Quadrennium needs to be updated. Please check the database carefully for your own information and provide us with corrections and updates. Thank you.
Format Headings for Database are as Follows:
Family name First name & M.I. Preferred Name Sex Position (Title) Organization Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 City Post code State Country (Address) Country (Birth/Citizenship) Work phone Private (home/cell) Work fax Preferred E-mail Secondary E-mail URL (websites, home page) Countries (regions) focus Species focus Fields of specialization or expertise Languages spoken
New and recently added members for the 2009-2012 Quadrennium are highlighted in yellow.
TFTSG Membership Database
Current Number of TFTSG Members: 274
(as of 25 November 2009)
Acuña-Mesén Rafael A. Rafael M Magister Scientiae University of Costa Rica 1 Km Este Iglesia Católica El Carmen de Goicoechea 99999 San José Costa Rica Costa Rica (506)2245-6445 [email protected] Costa Rica Chelydra serpentina, Kinosternon angustipons,K.leucostomum, K. scorpioides, Rhinoclemmys annulata, R. funerea, R. pulcherrima, Trachemys scripta. Taxonomía, Sistemática, Ecología, Anatomía comparada, Historia natural, Biodiversidad. English; Spanish
Ades Gary W.J. M Department Head Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories Hong Kong SAR China (852) 2488 6192 (852) 94716322 (852) 2483 1877 [email protected] South East Asia (primarily); China Cuora trifasciata – captive breeding, All South East Asia spp rescued (Govt seized). Also several species in education live exhibits Management of Rescue Centre, Local Chiropteran Expert English; Mandarin (little)
Aguirre Leon Gustavo M Investigador Titular Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (INECOL) Km 2.5 Carretera Antigua a Coatepec #351 Congregación El Haya Xalapa 91070 Veracruz Mexico +52 (288)8421843 +52 (288) 8410446 +52 (288)8421800 ext. 4102 [email protected] [email protected] // Mexico Gopherus flavomarginatus, Claudius angustatus, Dermatemys mawii, Kinosternon acutum. Kinosternon leucostomum, Staurotypus triporcatus, Trachemys venusta, Chelydra rossignoni Animal ecology, Herpetology, wetland ecology English; Spanish
Ahsan M. Farid Farid M Professor & Chairman University of Chittagong Department of Zoology University of Chittagong Chittagong Chittagong Chittagong-4331 Bangladesh Bangladesh + 880 31 72606001-9; 726311-4 Extn. 4305 880 31 72606001-9; 726311-4 Extn. 4468; Cell: 1712 847356 + 880-726310 (Attn. Prof. Farid Ahsan of Zoology) [email protected] Bangladesh Aspideretes nigricans, A. hurum Wildlife English, Bangla
Akre Thomas S.B. Tom M Assistant Professor Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences Longwood University 201 High St. Farmville 23909 Virginia USA USA 434-395-2731 540-270-0948 [email protected] [email protected] United States, Costa Rica, Honduras, Venezuela Glyptemys insculpta, Terrapene carolina, Clemmys guttata, Actinemys marmorata, Graptemys barbouri, Malaclemys terrapin, Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima, Rhinoclemmys diademata, Kinosternon scorpioides, Mesoclemmys zuliae Life history, macroecology, spatial ecology, conservation English; Spanish; French
Alacs Erika A. F PhD Student Institute for Applied Ecology Building 3 University of Canberra Kirinari Street, Bruce Canberra 2601 ACT Australia +61 02 6201 2937 +61 6104 9304 +61 6201 2937 [email protected] Northern Australia Chelodina rugosa, Chelodina burrungandjii, Elseya dentata, Elseya albagula Phylogeography, population genetics, wildlife forensics English
Alcalde Leandro Leandro M Doctor in Natural Sciences (Discipline: Biology) Instituto de Limnología “Dr. R. A. Ringuelet” (CONICET-UNLP) Avenida Calchaqui Km. 23,5 Florencio Varela 1888 Buenos Aires Argentina Argentina 54-011- 42757799 54-0221-4750273 (home) 54-0221-155921213 (mobile) 54-011-42758564 [email protected] [email protected] Argentina Trachemys dorbigni, Phrynops hilarii, Hydromedusa tectifera, Chelonoidis chilensis, Chelonoidis donosobarrosi, Chelonoidis petersi Ecology – Morphology English; Spanish ; Portuguese
Allman Phil M Student (Ph.D. candidate) Ohio University Dept Biological Sciences Irvine Hall – 108 Athens 45701 OH USA USA 740-597-1931 740-707-2559 740-593-0300 [email protected] // USA, Costa Rica, Ghana Malaclemys terrapin Maternal Investment, offspring fitness English; Spanish
Altherr Sandra F Project Manager Pro Wildlife Kidlerstr. 2 Munich 81375 Germany 49-89-81299-507 49-0174-217 5054 (mobile) 49-89-81299-706 [email protected] [email protected] Europe, Global; Germany Of interest for the TFTSG: mainly Asian freshwater turtles, but also Malagasy tortoises (We prepared e.g. the CITES (up)listing proposals for Cuora spp., Kachuga spp. and Pyxis arachnoides) Mainly international trade, CITES, traditional medicine English; German
Arakelyan Marine F Dr. , Research Assistant Yerevan State University Alek Manukyan, 1 Yerevan 25 Armenia 37410 556568 37491 724801 [email protected] Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Azerbaijan) Testudo graeca, Mauremys caspica, Emys orbicularis Geographical distribution, taxonomy English; Armenian, Russian
Aresco Matthew J. M Lake Jackson Ecopassage Alliance, Inc. 754 Livingston Court Tallahassee 32303 FL USA (850) 562-3093; (850) 559-0483 [email protected]; Southeastern USA Gopherus polyphemus, Graptemys ernsti, Graptemys barbouri, Pseudemys concinna, Macrochelys temminckii, Apalone ferox, Chelydra serpentina, Terrapene carolina, Pseudemys floridana, Trachemys scripta, Sternotherus odoratus Road mortality and mitigation of road effects, Translocation for conservation, Habitat management and restoration, Population ecology, Reproductive ecology English
Artner Harald M Dr. Med. Chelonia 2002 Maria Ponsee 32 Reidling 3454 Austria +43-2742-356505 +43-664-7979630 +43-2742-356505-5 [email protected] Austria More than 100 species of freshwater turtles, 75 bred so far Freshwater turtles English; Spanish; French; German; Portuguese; Italian
Ashton Ray E. M President Ashton Biodiversity Research & Preservation Institute, Inc. 14260-331 W. Newberry Rd Newberry 32669 FL USA 352-495-7449 352-495-1627 352-495-7433 [email protected] USA, Peru, Ecuador; Asia, Madagascar, Africa Gopherus polyphemus primary, Savannah/semi-desert species worldwide Conservation methods, low frequency communication, forage, monitoring/reactive management, Wild/semiwild/captive conservation methods English
Attum Omar M Post Doc Center for Reptile and Amphibian Conservation and Management Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd. Fort Wayne 46805 IN USA 260 481 05 Home: 502 897 9955; Cell: 502 810 7861 [email protected] Middle East -Egypt; USA -Midwest Testudo kleinmanii – current; Emydoidea blandingii – Past; Chrysemys picta marginata – Past Ecology, wildlife management, working with local communities English; Arabic
Auliya Mark A. Mark M PhD TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Unit 3/2, 1st Floor Jalan SS23/11 TAMAN SEA Petaling Jaya 47400 Selangor Malaysia South Africa 60378803940 60379542903 60379542903 [email protected] [email protected] Indonesia, Malaysia Southeast Asian species, Amyda cartilaginea Herpetology, (Population) Ecology, Tropics of Africa and Asia, Conservation Science English ; French ; German ; Bahasa Indonesia;
Avery Harold W. Hal M Associate Professor Drexel University Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 19104 PA USA (215) 895-2285 (856) 630-1708 (Cell) (215) 895-1273 [email protected] [email protected] // USA, Costa Rica Gopherus agassizii, Pseudemys rubriventris, Trachemys scripta, Chrysemys picta, Chelydra serpentina, Sternotherus odoratus, Malaclemys terrapin Population Ecology, Nutritional Ecology, Physiological Ecology, Behavioral Ecology English
Ayres Cesar Cesar M Member, AHE Council Spanish Herpetological Association (AHE) Leganes Apdo 191, 28911 Madrid Spain Spain 34986805057 34607830685 [email protected] [email protected] Spain, Portugal Emys orbicularis, Mauremys leprosa, Trachemys scripta Conservation, Ecology. Spanish, Galician, English, Portuguese
Baard Ernst H.W. M Senior Manager, Scientific Services Western Cape Nature Conservation Board Private Bag 5014 Stellenbosch 7599 South Africa 27-21-866 8001/0 27-21-866 1523 [email protected] South Africa Psammobates, Homopus, Chersina, Geochelone, Pelomedusa Conservation biology (herpetology), Terrestrial tortoise ecology, distribution, conservation status, Freshwater turtle ecology, distribution, conservation status, Systematic conservation planning English; Afrikaans
Baha El Din Sherif M Advisor Nature Conservation Sector (Egypt) 3 Abdala El Katib Dokki, Cairo Egypt 202 7608160 0122180709 202 7608160 [email protected] Egypt, Libya, Middle East, North Africa Testudo sp. Ecology, captive breeding, taxonomy English ; Arabic
Baker Patrick J. M Student (Doctoral candidate) Miami University 622 West Chestnut Street Oxford 45056 OH USA 513-529-3145 513-255-0167 513-529-6900 [email protected] USA, Ghana All North American species Physiological ecology, especially the winter biology of hatchling turtles. English
Banks Chris B. M Coordinator of Conservation Partnerships Zoo Victoria PO Box 74 Parkville 3052 Victoria Australia 61-3-9285-9491 61-3-9285-9360 [email protected] Australia and South-east Asia; Vietnam; Philippines None directly, but support work on taxa in Vietnam and the Philippines. Broad herp background (captive management), and advice on in situ conservation. English
Baruah Chittaranjan Chitta M Researcher Centre for Wildlife Research & Conservation Action (CWRCA) & Bioinformatics Centre Department of Zoology Gauhati University Guwahati 781014 Assam India India 0091-0361-2700470 (O) 0091-09954294080 (M) 0091-0361-2700294 [email protected] [email protected] India Pangshura sylhetensis, Nilssonia nigricans, Chitra indica, Batagur dhongoka Phylogeography, Conservation genetics, In-situ conservation, Habitat ecology, Computational Biology English ; Hindi ; Assamese
Batistella Alexandre M Doctorate Student Instituto Nacional Pesquisa da Amazonia – INPA Rua Bolívia, nº. 133, Conj. Esperança II. Parnaíba 64215 – 630 Piauí Brazil 95 86 3322 5859 95 86 3322 5859 [email protected] Brazil Trachemys adiutrix; Phrynops tuberculatus Biology and ecology English; Spanish; Portuguese
Berry Kristin H. F Research Wildlife Biologist U.S. Geological Survey Western Ecological Research Center 22835 Calle San Juan de Los Lagos Moreno Valley 92553 CA USA 1-951-697-5361 001-951-697-5299 [email protected] // USA Gopherus agassizii health, disease, general ecology, demography, behavior, anthropogenic impacts English
Bertolero Albert M IRTA Sant Carles de la Ràpita Carretera Poble Nou, km 5.5 Apartat de correus 200 Sant Carles de la Ràpita 43540 Catalunya Spain Spain 34 977 745427 (ext. 1840) 34 977 744138 [email protected] [email protected] Spain, France, Western Mediterranean Testudo hermanni; Emys orbicularis; Mauremys leprosa Reintroduction projects on chelonian, Assessment of reintroduction projects, Monitoring populations and analysis of data (demography, home range) English; Spanish; French; Catalonian
Bhupathy Subramanian Bhupathy M Senior Scientist Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History Anaikatti (PO) Coimbatore -641 108 INDIA Coimbatore 641 108 Tamil Nadu India (+91-422)-2657102, 2657103, 2657104, 2657105 (+91-422) – 2402297 (+91-422)-2657101 [email protected] India Current- Lepidochelys olivacea, Lissemys punctata; Previous- Distribution of all species of Tortoises, Freshwater turtles of India and Marine turtles (south India) Distribution pattern; Ecology of a few species English, Tamil, Hindi
Bjorndal Karen A. F Professor and Program Director University of Florida Department of Zoology PO Box 118525 Gainesville 32611 FL USA 352-392-5194 352-392-9166 [email protected] // Bahamas, Florida, USA Emydid turtles, Tortoises Demography, Nutrition, Growth English
Blanck Torsten E.G. M Holleneggerstr. 15 Deutschlandsberg 8530 Styria Austria +43 664 84 90 215 +43 664 84 90 215 [email protected] [email protected] Austria, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Laos, Romania, Greece, Spain, Italy All species of Cuora, Mauremys, Chinemys, Geoemyda, Pyxidea, Sacalia, Ocadia, Platysternon, Testudo, Emys, Chelydra, special focus on hybridization of Geoemydidae Field herpetology, Taxonomy, captive management English; Spanish; French; German; Portuguese
Bock Brian C. M Profesor asociado Departamento de Ciencias Forestales AA 568 Medellin Antioquia Colombia (574) 430-9018 (574) 336-2953 (574) 430-9018 [email protected] [email protected] South America, especially Colombia Podocnemis unifilis, Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis lewyana, Trachemys scripta callirostris Ecology, population genetics, behavioral ecology English; Spanish
Bolton Ryan M. Ryan M Conservation Biologist (PhD Candidate) University of Guelph 2 Grandview Crescent Bradford L3Z 2A5 Ontario Canada Canada 1 905 716 3127 1 905 716 3127 1 519 767 1656 [email protected] [email protected];; Canada, Costa Rica Apalone spinifera (current), Graptemys geographica (current), Emydoidea blandingii (current), Glyptemys insculpta, Clemmys guttata, Terrapene carolina, Chelydra serpentina (current), Sternotherus odoratus, Sternotherus carinatus, Chrysemys picta marginata (current), Rhinoclemmys funerea, Dermochelys coriacea, Kinosternon leucostomum Ecology and Behaviour English
Bour Roger M Assistant Professor MNHN 25 rue Cuvier F-75005 PARIS 35 rue des Cottages F-91230 MONTGERON (above) (above) France 331 40 79 34 94 331 69 83 10 06 / 336 76 19 31 21 331 40 79 34 88 [email protected] [email protected] Europe, W Indian Ocean Islands, Tropical Africa, S America; France; Reunion; Mauritius; Ivory Coast; Brazil Phrynops s.l., Pelusios, Testudo and Testudinids Systematics, Biogeography, Bibliography English; Spanish; French
Bourquin Ortwin Orty M Retired Wildlife Biologist PO Box 1226 Columbus 59019-7326 MT USA South Africa 406 322 9051 [email protected] Have worked in South Africa Have worked with tortoises, terrapins and sea turtles I do not consider myself an expert at anything English
Brooks Ronald J. Ron M Professor University of Guelph Dept of Integrative Biology Guelph N1G2W1 Ontario Canada 1 519 824 4120 Ext 53944 1 519 836 8817 1 519 767 1656 [email protected] Canada Chelydra serpentina, Crysemys picta, Glyptemys insculpta, Apalone spinifera, Emydoidea blandingii, Sternotherus odoratus, Clemmys guttata Demography, life history, reproductive biology, conservation English; French
Buhlmann Kurt A. Kurt M Research Scientist University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Drawer E, Building 737-A Aiken 29802 South Carolina USA 803-725-5293 803-725-3309 [email protected] United States, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Jamaica All in those countries (general) Habitat management, inventory, life history, evolutionary ecology English
Buley Kevin R. Kevin M Zoo Curator North of England Zoological Society – Chester Zoo Upton-by-Chester Chester CH2 1LH United Kingdom 44 1244 389402 44 1244 660008 44 1244381352 [email protected] Europe, SE Asia; UK Asian freshwater, Madagascan terrestrial, Galapagos Ex situ management English
Burke Russell L. Russ M Associate Professor Hofstra University Department of Biology Hofstra University Hempstead 11549 NY USA 516.463.5521 516.509.1442 516.463.5112 [email protected] // USA Malaclemys terrapin, Glyptemys inscuplta, Gopherus polyphemus reproductive ecology, translocation English
Bury R. Bruce Bruce M Zoologist (Research) US Geological Survey 3200 SW Jefferson Way Corvallis 97331 Oregon USA 541-759-1010 541-753-6848 [email protected] USA; Mexico Clemmys marmorata, Emydoidea blandingii, Gopherus agassizii, G. flavomarginatus Ecology, conservation English; Spanish
Buskirk James R. Jim M Field Associate in Herpetology California Academy of Sciences 2500 Rawson St. Oakland 94601-5524 CA USA 1-510-238-5414 510-261-5652 [email protected] USA, Mexico, Greece, Turkey Emys sp., Kinosternon, Rhinoclemmys, Testudo, Mauremys, Terrapene Emys marmorata, Balkan species, western Mexico species English; Spanish; French
Butler Joseph A. Joe M Professor of Biology University of North Florida Department of Biology 4567 St. Johns Bluff Road Jacksonville 32224 FL USA 904-620-2831 904-641-9174 904-620-3885 [email protected] USA Malaclemys terrapin, Gopherus polyphemus, Others Ecology, life history English
Caccone Adalgisa Gisella F Senior Research Scientists Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Yale University 21 Sachem St New Haven 6520 CT USA Italy 203-4325259 203-2482269 203-4327394 [email protected] Galapagos, Ecuador Giant Galapagos tortoises, Giant Aldabra tortoises, Geochelone, Madagascar tortoises genetics English, Italian
Cadi Antoine M Dr Noé Conservation c/o La Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes CP 31 57, rue Cuvier Paris cedex 05 75231 France 00 33 871 70 77 38 00 33 615 77 51 67 00 33 478 38 04 36 [email protected] France, Nepal, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, West Africa Emys orbicularis, Centrochelys sulcata, Mauremys leprosa, Eurotestudo hermanni, Trachemys scripta elegans and punctually other species from Asia and West Africa Ecology, ethology, demography, reintroduction and translocation English; French
Calderón-Mandujano Romel René R. Calderón M Doctorate Degree Student El COlegio de la Frontera Sur-Unidad Chetumal Av. Centenario Km 5.5 Chetumal 77014 Quintana Roo México Mexico 00 52 983 8350440 00 52 983 1231399 mobile 00 52 983 8350440 [email protected] [email protected] México Current: Dermatemys mawii, previous: all species from the Yucatán Península Ecology and Natural History English; Spanish
Calle Paul P. Paul M Director, Zoological Health Wildlife Conservation Society Global Health Program 2300 Southern Blvd Bronx 10460 NY USA USA 718-220-7100 H: 203-798-1576; M: 203-512-1811 718-220-7126 [email protected] [email protected] USA (New York), Russia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, China Varied fresh water and terrestrial Veterinary medicine English
Caporaso Fredric Fred M Professor Chapman University Dept. of Physical and Applied Sciences 220 Hashinger Science Center Orange 92866 California USA 011-949-997-6638 011-714-532-6048 [email protected] USA; Galapagos, Ecuador All chelonians- Chelodina spp. Husbandry and reproduction, sensory mechanisms for prey capture English
Carr John L. M Associate Professor University of Louisiana at Monroe Department of Biology 700 University Avenue Monroe 71209-0520 LA USA 1-318-342-1796 1-318-397-9180 1-318-342-3312 [email protected] // USA, Latin America, specifically Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador All Rhinoclemmys, Kinosternon leucostomum, Chelydra acutirostris, Chelydra serpentina, Macrochelys temminckii, Kinosternon subrubrum, Sternotherus odoratus, Sternotherus carinatus, Apalone spinifera, Apalone mutica, Chrysemys dorsalis, Deirochelys reticularia, Graptemys pseudogeographica, Graptemys ouachitensis, Graptemys sabinensis, Pseudemys concinna, Terrapene carolina, Trachemys scripta Systematics, reproductive ecology, ecology English; Spanish
Castaño-Mora Olga Victoria F Special Professor Universidad Nacional de Colombia Apartado 7495 Carrera 41 # 58-28, Bloque D-8, apartamento 411 Bogotá D.C. Colombia (571) 3165000 ext. 11532 (571) 2210642 (571) 3165365 [email protected] [email protected] Colombia Continental turtles and tortoises Conservation, taxonomy, natural history English; Spanish
Castellano Christina F Research Officer Institute for Applied Ecology University of Canberra Bruce 2601 ACT Australia USA 62-02-6201-5654 62-02-6258-0898 62-02-6201-5305 [email protected] northeastern North America, Australia, Madagascar Glyptemys insculpta, Glyptemys muhlenbergii, Clemmys guttata, Pyxis arachnoids, Pyxis planicauda Population and nesting ecology English
Chan Eng-Heng F Professor University College of Science and Technology Malaysia (KUSTEM) Turtle Research and Rehabilitation Group Mengabang Telipot Kuala Terengganu 21030 Terengganu, Malaysia Malaysia 609 6683251 609 6232925 609 6694660 [email protected] [email protected], Malaysia Batagur baska, Callagur borneoensis In-situ and ex-situ egg protection, Head-starting, Population monitoring, Temperature-related phenomena, Community participation and development English; Malay; Chinese
Chauhan Rajeev M Secretary General Society for Conservation of Nature 576, Karamganj Punjabi Colony Etawah 206 001 Uttar Pradesh India 91-5688-256602 91-9412182576 [email protected] [email protected] India C.indica, A. gangeticus,A. hurum,H. thurgii,P. tentoria, P.tecta,K.dhongoka, K.kachuga & L.punctata) Ecology English; Hindi
Chen Tien-Hsi M Assistant Researcher National Museum of Marine Science and Technology 101, Lane 446, Pei-Ning Rd. P.O. Box 7-202 Keelung 202 China (Taiwan) 886-2-24696000 ext. 5010 886-2-24684460; 886-932-260913 886-2-24690507 [email protected] Taiwan (including some species in mainland China) Cuora flavomarginata, Ocadia sinensis, Mauremys mutica, Chinemys reevesii, Trachemys scripta elegans (introduced) Population ecology, Identification of turtle shell English; Chinese
Choudhury Binod Chandra M Professor and Head Dept. of Endangered Species Management Wildlife Institute of India P.O. Box 18, Chandrabani Dehradun 248001 Uttar Anchal India 91-135-2641484, 91-135-2640112-115 Ext. 205 91-135-2640112-115 Ext. 109 91-135-2640117 [email protected] [email protected] India All species of freshwater turtles and tortoises found in India Research, conservation and management, Capacity building of biologists and managers, Policy and legislation formulation English, Hindi
Clavijo-Baquet Sabrina F Master Student Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UDELAR) Igúa 4225 (Montevideo) Sarandí 563 esq Ledesma (Maldonado) Montevideo 11 400 Montevideo / Maldonado Uruguay 525 86 18 / 149 509 07 12 / (042) 22 29 10 525 86 17 [email protected] Uruguay Phrynops williamsi Herpetology, Zoology, Morphology, Systematic English; Spanish ; Portuguese
Colli Guarino M Professor Universidade de Brasília Departamento de Zoologia Universidade de Brasília Brasília 70910-900 DF Brazil 55-61-3307-2265 Ext 21 55-61-9978-0999 55-61-3307-2265 Ext 21 [email protected] // Brazil, Cerrado, Amazonia Acanthochelys spixii Herpetology English; Spanish; Portuguese
Collins David E. Dave M Curator of Forests Tennessee Aquarium One Broad Street P.O. Box 11048 Chattanooga 37401 TN USA 1-423-785-4081 1-423-886-4511 1-423-267-3561 [email protected] USA Clemmys, Glyptemys, Graptemys, most SE U.S species, Cuora, Sacalia, Heosemys, Geoemyda, Maintain 60-80 species in public collection Captive husbandry, ecology (population dynamic, movement patterns, long-term mark recapture) English
Congdon Justin D. M Professor Emeritus Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Drawer E Aiken 29802 SC USA 520 824 3121 520 824 3121 520 824 3221 [email protected] USA Chrysemys picta marginata, Emydoidea blandingii, Chelydra serpentina, Kinosternon sonoriense Evolutionary Ecology, Life history evolution, Physiological ecology English
Conway-Gómez Kristen F Assistant Professor California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 3801 West Temple Avenue Geography & Anthropology Department Pomona 91768 CA USA 909.869.3208 352.256.2387 909.869.3586 [email protected] Bolivia Podocnemis unifilis, P. expansa Human use of river turtles, community-based conservation English; Spanish
Das Indraneil M Associate Professor Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Kota Samarahan 94300 Sarawak Malaysia India +60 82 481000 X 2296 +60 82 547604 (home); +60 198567351 (cell) +60 82 671727 [email protected] [email protected] Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. General Ecology and systematics English, Bengali, Hindi
de Bruin Ron W.F. M Associate professor (PhD) Erasmus University Medical Centre Beltmolen 49 2906 SC Capelle a/d IJssel Netherlands +3110 4087761 +3110 4589889 [email protected] Netherlands Chinemys nigricans, Ocadia sinensis, Mauremys annamensis, Cuora aurocapitata Captive management and breeding, taxonomy English; Dutch
Diagne Lamine M Village des Tortues / SOPTOM / SOS Sulcata BP 404 Rufisque Senegal 658.99.84 658.99.84 [email protected] Senegal Centrochelys sulcata, Pelusios castaneus, Pelusios adansonii, Pelomedusa subrufa, Kinixys belliana, Cyclanorbis senegalensis Suivi des animaux et soins et aménagements French; Wolof
Diagne Tomas M Founder/ Director West African Herpetological Society / WASH PO Box 657 Rufisque 25022 Senegal 00 221 836 87 36 00 221 836 87 36 [email protected] [email protected] // Africa (Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea Bissau, Togo, Niger, Benin, and Democratic Republic of Congo) Kinixys, Geochelone, Mauremys, Pelusios, Pelomedusa, Cyclanorbis, Trionyx, Cycloderma General ecology, conservation, taxonomy English; French
Diesmos Arvin M President Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, Inc. Institute of Biology, Room 106, University of the Philippines 1101 Diliman Quezon City Philippines 6516 2715 (Singapore) [email protected] [email protected] // Philippines and Southeast Asia Siebenrockiella leytensis, Pelochelys cantorii, Cuora amboinensis, Cyclemys dentata Systematics, ecology, biogeography English; Tagalog; Cebuano
Dodd C. Kenneth, Jr. Ken M Courtesy Associate Professor University of Florida c/o 5222 NW 56th Court Gainesville 32653 FL USA USA 1-352-377-4319 1-352-281-6735 1-352-377-4319 [email protected] [email protected] USA Terrapene carolina, Sternotherus depressus, Caretta caretta, Pseudemys suwanniensis, Terrapene sp. Conservation biology of herpetofauna, particularly turtles and amphibians; monitoring status/trends; effects of disturbances English
Doody J. Sean Sean M Research Fellow Institute for Applied Ecology University of Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia Canberra 2601 Australian Capitol Territory Australia USA 61 262012975 61 262580898 61 262015305 [email protected] Australia, USA Carettochelys insculpta, Emydura victoriae, Chelodina longicollis, Chelodina rugosa, Apalone spinifera, Apalone mutica Conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, behavioral ecology, physiological ecology English
Dorcas Michael E. M Associate Professor Davidson College Department of Biology Davidson 28035-7118 NC USA 704-894-2727 704-894-2512 [email protected] // USA, Costa Rica Terrapene carolina; Chelydra serpentina; Chrysemys picta; Kinsternon subrubrum; Apalone spinifera; Trachemys scripta; Sternotherus ordotatus; Pseudemys conncina; Malclemys terrapin; Gopherus polyphemus Ecology, Physiological Ecology, Conservation English
Drobenkov Sergey M Head of Sector of Herpetofauna Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Academicheskaja ul., 27 Minsk 220072 Belarus (017) 284-2192 (017) 230-2891 (017) 284-1036 [email protected] Belarus European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) Ecology, morphology, and conservation English; Russian
Drummond Gláucia Moreira Gláucia F Technical Superintendent Fundação Biodiversitas 245 Congonhas St. Belo Horizonte 30330-100 Minas Gerais Brazil Brazil 55 31 2129 1300 55 31 9922 4822 55 31 2129 1329 [email protected] [email protected] Brazil Phrynops hogei Ecology and conservation English; Portuguese
Eisemberg Carla C. Carla F PhD candidate Institute for Applied Ecology – University of Canberra Building 3, University of Canberra, Bruce Canberra 2601 ACT Australia Brazil (61 02)62012937 (61)0448348754 [email protected] [email protected] // Brazil, Australia, and Papua New Guinea Previous: Podocnemis sextuberculata, Podocnemis erythrocephala, Phrynops geoffroanus, Phrynops rufipes, Current: Carettochelys insculpta, Emydura subglobosa, Elseya novaeguineae, Pelochelys bibroni Reproductive biology, Harvest, Conservation, Environmental Education, Management English; Spanish; Portuguese
Emmett David M Wildlife Biologist Conservation International P.O.Box 1356 Phnom Penh Cambodia 855 23 214 627 855 12 524230 855 23 214 627 [email protected] Indo-Burma region; Cambodia Amyda cartilaginea, Cuora amboinensis, Cyclemys dentata complex, Siebenrockiella crassicollis, Malayemys subtrijuga, Heosemys grandis, Hieremys annandalii, Manouria impressa, Indotestudo elongata, Burmese species Field research, capacity building, in situ conservation, ranger training, community education English; French; Danish; Swahili; Khmer
Engstrom Tag N. M Assistant Professor California State University Chico Department of Biological Sciences Chico 95929-0515 CA USA 1-530-898-6748 1-530-892-2399 (h) 1-530-570-8482 (c) 1-530-898-4363 [email protected] Panama, Peru, Turkey, California Trionychids, Rafetus euphraticus, Emys marmorata, Podocnemis unifilis Molecular systematics, population ecology English; Spanish
Estrades Andrés M Executive Director CICMAR / Karumbé Av. Giannattasio km 30,5 El Pinar 15008 Canelones Uruguay + 598 99 614201 + 598 99 614201 [email protected] Uruguay Acanthochelys spixii, Hydromedusa tectifera, Phrynops hilarii, Phrynops williamsi, Trachemys dorbigni, Chelonoidis chilensis. Status, Distribution, Refuges, Management, Education English; Spanish
Fachín-Terán Augusto M Professor Universidade do Estado do Amazonas Escola Normal Superior Avenida Darcy Vargas S/N, Bairro Chapada Manaus 69050-020 Amazonas Brazil (092) 3215-2072; 3215-2073 (092) 3638-0427 or (092)-9128-8541 (092) 3215-2072 or (092) 3215-2073 [email protected] [email protected] Amazonia; Brazil Podocnemis sextuberculata, Podocnemis unifilis, Podocnemis expansa Ecology, Management, Education English; Spanish; Portuguese
Fallabrino Alejandro M Director Karumbé D. Murillo 6334 Montevideo 11500 Montevideo Uruguay 00 598 99917811 00 598 99917811 [email protected] [email protected] Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina Acantochelys spixii, Hydromedusa tectifera, Phrynops hillari, Phrynops williamsi, Trachemys dorbignyi, Chelonoides chilensis illegal trade, conservation, protected areas English; Spanish French; Portuguese
Fanazava Rijasoa Rijasoa M Regional Coordinator of Tortoises Conservation Project Wildlife Conservation Society IHSM, Route du Port, Mahavatse II Toliara 601 Madagascar Madagascar +261 33 11 880 03 (261 20) 22 529 76 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar Astrochelys radiata, Pyxis arachnoides Scientific Sociology and economy English; French; Malagasy
Farkas Balázs L. M Bercsényi u. 21 Gyúró 2464 Hungary 36-1-2127545 36-22-467046 36-1-2146722 [email protected] Hungary Emys orbicularis Population biology studies at different locations in Hungary. Species action plan for WWF Hungary in 2003 English; Hungarian; Dutch; German
Feldman Mark L. M Consulting physician PO Box 285 Kerikeri 470 Northland New Zealand USA 011-64-9-407-1989 011-64-9-407-1989 011-64-9-407-1986 [email protected] New Zealand, USA Wide variety of freshwater and land turtles of USA Techniques for hatching and procuring turtle eggs; especially the use of oxytocin and arginine vasotocin to induce egg laying. English
Ferreira Júnior Paulo Dias M Dr. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Departamento de Ecologia e Recursos Naturais Av. Fernando Ferrari, Goiabeiras Vitória 29.060-900 ES Brazil (55) 27 3335-2877 (55) 27 3395-0111 (55) 27 3335-2500 [email protected] [email protected] Brazil Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis unifilis Geologic aspects of fluvial environments (e.g. grain size, mineralogical composition, nest height in relation the water level) and relations with nest distribution, incubation duration and hatching success English; Spanish ; Portuguese
Ferri Vincenzo Vincenzo M Mr Centro Studi Arcadia Via Valverde 4 Tarquinia I-01016 Viterbo Italy Italy 393402909929 390766856428 3.90767E+11 [email protected] [email protected] Italy,1987-1990 Uganda Emys orbicularis, Eurotestudo hermanni, Trachemys scripta, Kinixys belliana (Uganda populations), Pelusios rhodesianus (Uganda populations), Pelusios williamsi (Uganda populations). Habitats conservation, Population Ecology, international traffic English ; Italian
Ferronato Bruno de Oliveira Bruno M M.Sc., D.V.M. Associated Researcher of Camara Nacional de Producción y el Empreendimiento Jr. Zorritos, 941 Lima 1 Lima Peru Brazil 51 01 423 9553 51 01 360 1527 & 51 01 997283104 51 01 332 4927 [email protected] [email protected] // Current: Peru and Brazil; Previous: USA Current: Podocnemis unifilis, Mesoclemmys raniceps, Phrynops geoffroanus, Hydromedusa tectifera, Acanthochelys macrocephala; Previous: Emydoidea blandingii,Trachemys scripta elegans General: Freshwater turtle ecology; Specific: Hematology and microbiology Portuguese, English, Spanish
Fidenci Pierre M President/Conservation Biologist Endangered Species International 79 Brady St. San Francisco 94103 CA USA France 4153873025 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Philippines, Republic of Congo, Colombia, France, Italy, Cuba Siebenrockiella (Panayenemys) leytensis, Actinemys marmorata, Emys orbicularis, Cuora amboinensis, Cyclemys dentata, Heosemys spinosa, Pelusios marani, Pelusios gabonensis, Batrachemys dahlii, Testudo hermanii, Gopherus agassizii, Testudo hermanii, Dogania subplana, Trachemys decussata angusta Research, surveys, conservation French, English, Spanish
Fielder Darren P. Darren M Principal Environmental Officer Department of Environment and Resource Management PO Box 731 Toowoomba 4350 Queensland Australia Australia 61 07 46994348 61 07 46374915 [email protected] [email protected] Australia Elseya bellii, E. georgesi, E. purvisi, E. latisternum, E. albagula, Emydura macquarii, Chelodina longicollis, C. expansa mtDNA, taxonomy, eco-physiology, population ecology, breeding biology. English
FitzSimmons Nancy N. F Dr. Institute of Applied Ecology University of Canberra Canberra 2601 ACT Australia 61-2-6201-2237 61-2-6259-7918 61-2-6201-2328 [email protected] [email protected] // Australia, Indo-Pacific Chelodina, Emydura, Elseya Population genetics, molecular ecology, field ecology English
Flanagan Joseph P. Joe M Director of Veterinary Services Houston Zoo Inc. 1513 North MacGregor Houston 77030 Texas USA 713-533-6628 713-204-0545 C; 281-485-1389 H 713-533-6764 [email protected] [email protected] Galapagos Islands, Ecuador All including most marine species Veterinary care English; Espanol
Flores-Villela Oscar A. Oscar M Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles Museo de Zoologia Facultad de Ciencias UNAM A.P. 70-399 Mexico 04510 D.F. Mexico Mexico (817) 272-3068 (817) 704-3188 (817) 272-2855 [email protected] [email protected] // Mexico Dermametys mawii, Kinosternon spp. Claudius angustatus Systematics and Biogeography English; Spanish
Fong Jonathan J. Jon M M.S., Ph.D candidate University of California, Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Berkeley 94720 CA USA USA 510-642-3567 510-643-8238 [email protected] China, Taiwan Mauremys (mutica, annamensis, reevesii, sinensis), Sacalia (bealei, quadriocellata), Platysternon megacephalum, Pelomedusa subrufa Molecular systematics, conservation English ; Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese)
Fontijne Wim M Studbookkeeper European Studbook Foundation Jozef Oreliosingel 207 Schiedam 3122 CS Zuid Holland Netherlands 31104431442 31652108555 31104431554 [email protected] Europe; Netherlands Chelodina mccordi, Chelodina longicollis, Indotestudo elongata, Chersina angulata Captive Management English; Dutch
Fordham Damien A. Damien M Dr University of Adelaide Mawson Bld School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The University of Adelaide Adelaide 5005 SA Australia Australia 61 8 8303 6711 61 8 8303 4347 [email protected] // Australia Chelodina rugosa, Chelodina longicollis , Carettochelys inscuplta Ecological Modelling, Conservation Biology, Population Ecology, Global Change English
Fornetti Alessandro Nati Alessandro M Via Flaminia 2016 Roma 00188 Italy Italy 393498051844 393498051844 [email protected] [email protected] Italy, Mediterranean area, Europe Illegal trade, rescue of seized animals, legislation English, Italian, French
Frankel Matthew G. Matt M 4250 Surprise Spring Lane Prescott 86305 AZ USA 928-717-2533 928-541-9747 [email protected] USA, Madagascar Geochelone nigra, Geochelone elegans, Geochelone radiata, Indotestudo elongata, Testudo kleinmanni, Geoemyda spengleri, Pyxis arachnoides sp, Malacochersus tornieri Captive husbandry, Propagation, Zoo board work, zoo management English
Freeman Alastair B. Alastair M Senior Technical Officer Department of Environment and Resource Management Threatened Species Group DERM P.O. Box 975 Atherton 4883 Queensland Australia New Zealand/Australia 0061 7 4091 8179 0061 7 4096 6773 0061 7 4091 8179 [email protected] [email protected] // Australia Elseya stirlingi, Elseya lavarackorum, Elseya latitsternum, Emydura sublgosa sublogosa, Emydura subglobosa worrelli, Emydura tanybaraga, Emydura macquarii krefftii, Macrochelodina rugosa, Chelodina canni, Chelodina rankini Field herpetology, threatened species management, protected area management English
Freyer Daniela F Project manager Pro Wildlife Kidlerstr. 2 Munich 81375 Germany 49 (0)89 81299-507 44 179 4332423 44 89 81299 706 [email protected] Global; Germany Asian freshwater turtles, Malagasy species (Pyxis spp.; G. radiata, G. yniphora) International trade of tortoises and freshwater turtles English; French; German
Fritz Uwe M Director Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden Museum of Zoology (Museum fuer Tierkunde) A. B. Meyer Building Koenigsbruecker Landstrasse 159 Dresden D-01109 Germany 49/351/8926325 49/351/8926327 [email protected] Western Palearctic, SE Asia; Germany Emydidae, Geoemydidae, Testudinidae Systematics, Phylogeography English; German
Garcia Gerardo M PhD. Head of Herpetology Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Les Augres Manor Trinity Jersey JE35BP Channel Islands United Kingdom 44 1534 860072 44 1534 859204; 44 7797832751 44 1534 860001 [email protected] [email protected] Europe, Madagascar; UK, Caribbean Erymnochelys madagascariensis, Pyxis planicauda, Geochelone yniphora, G. radiata, Heosemys spinosa, Cuora spp. Terrapene coahuila, Testudo spp. Fieldwork (trapping, monitoring wild populations, ecological studies,…), intensive captive management , reintroductions, head starting, working with local communities, communications, networking English; Spanish; French; Catalan; Malagasy
Georges Arthur M Professor in Applied Ecology University of Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Canberra 2601 ACT Australia 61 2 62015786 61 2 62303128 61 2 62015305 [email protected] // Australasia; Australia; Papua New Guinea Chelidae, Carettochelydidae Ecology, Sex Determination, Molecular Systematics and Evolution English
Gerlach Justin M Scientific co-ordinator Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles 133 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge CB1 7BX United Kingdom (0)1223 246875 (0)1223 246875 [email protected] // Seychelles Dipsochelys dussumieri (+Geochelone gigantean, Dipsochelys elephantina), Dipsochelys hololissa, Dipsochelys arnoldi, Pelusios castanoides, Pelusios subniger taxonomy, ecology, conservation breeding, management, reintroduction English, French, Spanish
Germano David J. M Professor California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Hwy Sci 14 Bakersfield 93311-1022 CA USA 661 654-2471 661 589-7846 661 654-6956 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Mexico Emys (Actinemys) marmorata, Gopherus agassizii, G. berlandieri, G. flavomarginatus, G. polyphemus, Terrapene ornata, Emydoidea blandingi, Testudo graeca, Chrysemys picta Ecology, population biology, age determination English
Ghaffari Hanyeh Hani F Herpetologist Pars Herpetologists Institute (PHI) No 59, 19th street Gisha Tehran 1447734953 Iran Iran 0098 21 88534673-8 0098 9123137832 0098 21 88515630 [email protected] Iran, Turkey Rafetus euphraticus, Emys orbicularis, Mauremys caspica Ecology, field research and conservation of reptiles English, Farsi
Gibbons J. Whitfield Whit M Professor University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Lab Drawer E Aiken 29803 SC USA 803 725-5852 803 725-55733 803 725-3309 [email protected] [email protected] USA All US Species Ecology and life history English
Gillingwater Scott D. Scott M Species At Risk Biologist Upper Thames River Conservation Authority 1424 Clarke Rd. London N5V 5B9 Ontario Canada Canada 519-451-2800 ext. 236 519-451-1188 [email protected] [email protected] // // Canada Field research: Clemmys guttata, Emydoidea blandingii, Apalone spinifera, Glyptemys insculpta, Sternotherus odoratus, Chrysemys picta marginata, Chelydra serpentina, Graptemys geographica. Rescue/rehabilitation: Geoemyda spengleri, Sacalia bealei, Sacalia quadriocellata, Mauremys japonica, Indotestudo elongata, Manouria emys emys, Malacochersus tornieri, Platysternon megacephalum, Cuora galbinifrons, Pyxidea mouhotti, Terrapene carolina etc. Conservation biology, ecology, reproduction, threat mitigation-species at risk recovery, population dynamics, behaviour, public communication/education, rescue/rehabilitation. English
Godwin James C. Jim M Zoologist Alabama Natural Heritage Program Environmental Institute 1090 S. Donahue Drive Auburn University Auburn 36849 Alabama USA USA 334 844-5020 870 217-9904 334 844-4462 [email protected] [email protected] //; // United States Graptemys barbouri, Graptemys ernsti, Graptemys nigrinoda, Graptemys pulchra, Macrochelys temminckii, Pseudemys alabamensis, Pseudemys concinna (secondarily Apalone spinifer, Apalone mutica, Sternotherus minor, Trachemys scripta, Chelydra serpentina as encountered while sampling for target species) Distribution, status, and conservation of southeastern US freshwater turtles English
Gong Shiping M Associate Professor South China Institute of Endangered Animals No.105, Xin'gang West Road, Haizhu District Guangzhou 510260 Guangdong China China 86-020-84193440 13430323062 86-020-84183704 [email protected] [email protected] // South China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan,Hunan, Jiangxi) Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora mouhotii, Geoemyda spengleri, Mauremys nigricans, Mauremys mutica, Mauremys sinensis, Pelodiscus sinensis, Platysternon megacephalum, Sacalia quadriocellata, Sacalia bealei, Pelochelys cantori Ecology, Captive breeding and Conservation Chinese, English
Goode Eric M Co-Director Behler Chelonian Center 49 Bleeker Street New York 10012 New York USA [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar, Myanmar & South Africa Geochelone radiata, Geochelone platynota, Pyxis planicauda, Pyxis arachnoides, Homopus signatus, Chersina angulata, Geoclemys hamiltoni, Heosemys depressa, Indotestudo forsteni, Manouria impressa, Manouria emys, Geochelone nigra, Homopus areolatus, Kinyxis erosa, Geochelone elegans, Geochelone sulcata Captive management English
Griffiths Owen L. Owen M La Vanille Reserve des Mascareignes Riviere des Anguilles Mauritius Australia 230-6262503 230-6255487 (H) 2560073 (cell) 230-6263642 [email protected] Mauritius (includes Rodrigues), Madagascar Dipsochelys elephantina, Astrochelys radiata Captive breeding; re-wilding English; French
Guyot Jackson Ghislaine F Science Instructor Keiser University 2311 Bourgogne Drive Tallahassee 32308 FL USA France 850 893 5938 [email protected] [email protected] USA and Europe; France Freshwater or terrestrial turtles Ecology, Habitat restoration and management, reintroduction, public education English; French
Hagen Cris M Research Technician/Herpetologist Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Drawer E Aiken 29802 SC USA 803-725-5881 803-221-6721 803-725-3309 [email protected] [email protected] USA; Indonesia Any and all chelonians Herpetology, cheloniology, natural history, ecology, conservation biology, molecular techniques (i.e. microsatellite primer development), biogeography English
Hagerty Bridgette F Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant University of Nevada, Reno Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology MS 314 Reno 89557 NV USA 775-784-1703 775-846-5685 775-784-1369 [email protected] [email protected] // USA Gopherus agassizii (Testudinidae), Malaclemys terrapin Ecological genetics, population ecology, desert ecology English
Hailey Adrian M Dr University of the West Indies Dept of Life Sciences University of the West Indies St Augustine Trinidad & Tobago 868 662 2002 868 663 5241 [email protected] Trinidad & Tobago, Greece, France Testudo, Kinosternon Population ecology, thermoregulation English
Harding James H. Jim M Instructor/ Specialist Michigan State University MSU Museum, Room 103 West Circle Drive MSU East Lansing 48824-1045 MI USA 517-353-7978 517-432-2846 [email protected] USA Glyptemys insculpta, Emydoidea blandingii, Terrapene carolina Herpetology English
Heinrich George L. M Field Biologist/Environmental Educator Heinrich Ecological Services 1213 Alhambra Way S. St. Petersburg 33705-4620 FL USA (727) 865-6255 same [email protected] USA Gopherus polyphemus, Malaclemys terrapin, Pseudemys concinna ecology, conservation and environmental education English
Hendrie Douglas B. Doug M Asian Turtle Coordinator Asian Turtle Program PO Box 222 Hanoi Vietnam USA 844-775-3935 [email protected] [email protected] Asia region with particular focus on Vietnam and Myanmar All Asian turtle species with particular focus on species native to Vietnam and Myanmar Conservation program management and development, Communications and education, International relations English
Henen Brian T. M Assistant Researcher IV University of California, Los Angeles Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 621 Young Drive South Los Angeles 90095-1606 CA USA (1) 310 713 0806 (1) 760 724 7541 (1) 310 206 3987 [email protected] Africa, North America; USA; South Africa; Madagascar; Uzbekistan Psammobates geometricus, Homopus signatus, Gopherus agassizii, Homopus areolatus, Psammobates tentorius, Chersina angulata, Testudo horsfieldi, Geochelone radiata, Pyxis arachnoides Physiological, nutritional and reproductive ecology; Conservation Biology English
Heng Sovannara M Project Manager Wildlife Conservation Society #21,St.21, Tonle Bassac P.O.Box 1620 Phnom Penh Cambodia (855-23) 217 205 / 219 443 (855-16) 333 785 (855-23) 217 205 / 219 443 [email protected] [email protected] Cambodia Batagur baska Field research and Management English; Khmer
Hennig Andreas S. Andreas M German Chelonia Group Gustav-Mahler-Strasse 31 Leipzig 04109 Saxony Germany Germany 49-(0)341-2682492 49-(0)341-2682492 [email protected] [email protected]; global Chrysemys picta, Pseudemys spp., Trachemys spp., Cuora spp., Mauremys spp., Sacalia spp., Chelodina spp., Elseya spp., Emydura spp., Sternotherus spp., Kinosternon spp., Apalone spp. Keeping and breeding of freshwater turtles; editor of chelonian journals; systematics of sliders, cooters, and Painted turtles; freshwater turtle conservation English; German
Herman Dennis W. Dennis M Environmental Biologist Biological Surveys Group, N.C. Department of Transportation (Home) 503 Whitehall Way Cary 27511 NC USA USA (919) 380-0419 Home [email protected] USA; Southeastern United States Glyptemys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle) English
Herman Thomas B. Tom M Professor Biology Department, Acadia University Wolfville B4P 2R6 Nova Scotia Canada 01 902 585 1469 01 902 678 0383 01 902 585 1059 [email protected] [email protected] Canada, USA, Malaysia, Belize, Costa Rica Emydoidea blandingii, Glyptemys insculpta, Batagur baska, Chrysemys picta, Chelydra serpentina, Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima,Kinosternon spp Population ecology and genetics- movements, reproduction, population dynamics, population genetic structure; Species-at-risk recovery English
Hodges Kathryn M. Kate F PhD student Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra Level C, building 3 University of Canberra Bruce ACT 2617 Canberra 2617 ACT Australia Australia 61 02 6201 2937 Home +61 02 6251 9938 mobile 0410 413 915 [email protected] [email protected] // Australia Chelodina expansa, Chelodina longicollis, Emydura macquarii (including east Australian coast subspecies), Emydura kreftii, Elseya latisternum Molecular ecology, phylogeography, phylogenetics, ecology, GIS, ecological niche modeling English
Hofmeyr Margaretha D. Retha F Professor University of the Western Cape Biodiversity and Conservation Biology Department Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535 Western Cape Province South Africa 27 21 959 2313 27 21 906 2291; (cell) 27 82 202 3179 27 21 959 2312; 27 21 959 1237 [email protected] South Africa Psammobates geometricus, Psammobates tentorius, Psammobates oculiferus, Homopus areolatus, Homopus signatus, Chersina angulata, Future work is planned on more tortoise species in South Africa Reproductive physiology and ecology, Resource requirements, Phylogeography (in collaboration) English; Afrikaans
Holloway Rohan M PhD Candidate Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra Bruce Canberra 2601 ACT Australia (+61) (2) 62012450 (+61) (0) 420537655 (+61) (2) 62814621 [email protected] [email protected] // Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia Batagur baska, other turtle species in trade in above countries Wildlife trade, social aspects of wildlife harvest and trade English, Khmer
Holmstrom William F. Bill M Collection Manager Department of Herpetology Wildlife Conservation Society Bronx Zoo 2300 Southern Blvd. Bronx 10460 NY USA 718-220-5042 914-248-8856 718-220-6887 [email protected] [email protected] Myanmar, Madagascar Geochelone platynota, G. radiata, K. trivittata Zoo husbandry, conservation practice English
Hoogmoed Marinus S. M Pesquisador colaborador Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi/CZO Caixa Postal 399 Belém 66017-970 Pará Brazil Netherlands 55 91 3217 6097 55 91 3226 4644 [email protected] [email protected] Amazon Region, mostly Brazil; Suriname All species in the region Taxonomy, nomenclature, ecology English; Spanish; French; Dutch; Portuguese; German; Surinamese
Horne Brian D. M Student (Ph.D. candidate) Ohio University Dept of Biological Sciences Athens 45701 OH USA 740 597 1931 740 603 0867 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Australia, India, Myanmar Acanthochelys pallidipectoris, Graptemys flavimaculata, Gopherus polyphemus, Glyptemys muhlenbergii, Dermatemys mawii, Kinosternon leucostomum, Kinosternon scorpioides, Kinosternon acutum, Kinosternon herrerai, Claudius angustatus, Staurotypus triporcatus, Rhinoclemys areolata, Chelydra rossignonii, Kachuga kachuga, Kachuga trivittata, Chelodina spp., Chitra Chitra, Chersina angulata Ecological developmental biology with specific emphasis on the role of embryonic diapause and embryonic aestivation English; Spanish
Horta Gabriel de Freitas Gabriel M SQS 106 Bloco C apto 605 Asa Sul Brasília 70345-030 Distrito Federal Brazil Brazil 55 66 9218-0681 55 61 3443-3405 , 61 8438-1218, 66 9218-0681 [email protected] [email protected] Brazil, Cerrado Acanthochelys spixii, Trachemys scripta elegans Master of Science in Animal Biology at Universidade de Brasília English; Portuguese
Howeth Jennifer G. F Doctoral Candidate: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Texas at Austin Section of Integrative Biology 1 University Station C0930 Austin 78712 Texas USA 512-475-9535 512-297-3814 512-478-3878 [email protected] Mexico Terrapene coahuila Metapopulation and metacommunity ecology; conservation biology; aquatic ecology English
Hudson Rick M Conservation Biologist Fort Worth Zoo 1989 Colonial Pkwy Fort Worth 76110 TX USA 1-817-759-7177 1-817-759-7501 [email protected] USA, Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, India) Captive management, capacity building English
Ibarrondo Bonggi Rodrigo Bonggi M Director Indonesian Turtle Conservation Group Jl. Tumunggung Wiradireja No 216, Rt. 03/06 Cimahpar Bogor 16155 West Java Indonesia Spain 62 251 657002 / 657208 ext: 39 62 (0)852 1631 1131 62 251 657171 [email protected] Indonesia, Timor Leste Chelodina mccordi, Leucocephalon yuwonoi, Indotestudo forstenii; Genereally all Indonesian species of Tortoises and Freswater turtles Trade investigations, Rescue, Keeping and breeding, Conservation Project Management, Species Status Evaluation English, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese
Inchaustegui Sixto J. M Board member Grupo Jaragua El Vergel 33, El Vergel Santo Domingo Dominican Republic (809)472-1036 (809)472-1036 home; (809) 880-5111 cell [email protected] [email protected] Dominican Republic, Hispaniola, West Indies Trachemys stejnegeri, Trachemys decorata Biodiversity conservation, Protected Areas English; Spanish
Innis Charles J. Charlie M Veterinarian New England Aquarium Central Wharf Boston 2110 MA USA 617-226-2151 617-877-5415 [email protected] USA Any Veterinary Medicine English
Iskandar Djoko T. M Professor School of Life Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung 10, Jalan Ganesa, Bandung 40132 Bandung 40132 West Java Indonesia + ext. 35 +62.22.601.0655 + [email protected] Indonesia Reptilia, all Indonesian turtles Biosystematics, Evolution, Ecological Management & Engineering English; French; Dutch; Indonesian
Ivanchev Ivo E. M Founder\Manager Gea Chelonia Foundation 2, Bisser Str. Sofia 1421 Bulgaria +359 2 8652925 +359 886913916 [email protected] Bulgaria Testudo hermanni boettgeri;Testudo graeca ibera Biology; Ecology Bulgarian; English; Russian; Dutch
Iverson John B. M Professor of Biology Earlham College 801 National Road West Richmond 47374 IN USA 1-765-983-1405 1-765-983-1497 [email protected] // USA; Mexico; Colombia; China Kinosternon; Kinosternidae; Geoemydidae Systematics and ecology English
Jackson Dale R. M Senior Research Zoologist Florida State University Florida Natural Areas Inventory Florida State University 1018 Thomasville Road, Suite 200-C Tallahassee 32309 FL USA 850-224-8207 x212 850-893-5938 850-681-9364 [email protected] USA Pseudemys concinna, Deirochelys reticularia, Gopherus polyphemus, Pseudemys floridana, Trachemys scripta, Macrochelys temminckii, Pseudemys nelsoni ecology, reproduction, conservation English
Jacobson Elliott R. M University Professor University of Florida Box 100126, SACS, College of Veterinary Medicine Gainesville 32610 FL USA 352-392-4700 x5775 352-219-4344 352=392-6125 [email protected] USA Multiple species of chelonians Infectious disease and pathology English
Janzen Fredric J. Fred M Professor Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology Ames 50011-1020 IA USA 515-294-4230 515-294-1337 [email protected] // USA, Costa Rica, Australia Chrysemys picta, Trachemys scripta, Chelydra serpentina, Emys blandingii, Graptemys spp., Apalone spp., Terrapene ornate, Emydura macquarii, Chelodina expansa Conservation, ecology, evolution, population and quantitative genetics, sex determination, nesting behavior, phylogenetics, phylogeography, physiological ecology, climate change, demography, life-history evolution English
Jensen Karen A. Kitti F Graduate Student-Researcher Institute of Biodiversity & Environmental Conservation Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Kota Samarahan 94300 Sarawak Malaysia USA (060)(82) 671-000 ext. 247 (060)(12) 890-3692 (060)(82) 671727 [email protected] Currently: Malaysia & Borneo; Previously: Southwestern USA; Pacific Islands/Oceana Currently: freshwater turtles and tortoises of Malaysia and Borneo; Previous: California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), Sea turtles applied ecology, management, conservation English; Malay ; Pacific Islands Pidgin
Jones Robert L. M Herpetologist & Invertebrate Biologist Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Museum of Natural Science 2148 Riverside Drive Jackson 39202-1353 MS USA 601 354-7303 X113 601 992-7655 601 354-7227 [email protected] [email protected] Southeastern USA Research and Management: Graptemys oculifera, G. flavimaculata, G. nigrinoda, G. pulchra, G. ouachitensis, G. pseudogeographica, G. gibbonsi, Management: Trachemys scripta, Pseudemys concinna, P. alabamensis, Chelydra serpentina, Macrochelys temminckii, Chrysemys dorsalis, Deirochelys reticularia, Malaclemys terrapin, Terrapene carolina, Kinosternon subrubrum, Sternotherus odoratus, S. minor, S. carinatus. Gopherus polyphemus, Apalone mutica, A. spinifera. Life history and ecology English
Juvik James O. Jim M Professor & Chair, Geography & Environmental Studies University of Hawaii-Hilo 200 W. Kawili St. Hilo 96720 HI USA 1-808-974-7648 1-808-896-4460 1-808-974-7737 [email protected] Africa (Namibia, Madagascar), Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, China) Geochelone yniphora, radiata, Homopus/Psammobates, Asian terrestrial species field ecology, protected area management, habitat modelling English
Kalb Heather J. F USA [email protected] USA English
Kennett Rod M. M Research Fellow North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Charles Darwin University Darwin 909 Northern Territory Australia 61 8 89466666 61 8 89466388 [email protected] Australia Chelidae, Carettochelys Ecology, sustainable use, Indigenous management English
Kiester A. Ross Ross M Principal Biodiversity Futures Consulting 5550 SW Redtop Place Corvallis 97333 OR USA 541-231-6127 541-231-6127 [email protected] Global; USA; Vietnam Terrapene carolina, Podocnemis unifilis, Gopherus, Homopus, Pyxis, Geochelone, SE Asian freshwater turtles and tortoises Biogeography, ecology, population biology, demography, habitat analysis, remote sensing, statistics, philosophy English
Klerks Mark M ESF studbookkeeper Mr. Ruys de Beerenbrouckstraat 24 Waalwijk 5142TJ Netherlands 0031-416-345295 [email protected] [email protected] // Netherlands, South Africa Fieldwork: Homopus signatus signatus (fieldwork 2000-2002), Homopus signatus cafer (fieldwork 2002), Homopus boulengeri (fieldwork 2006; Studbook: Cuora flavomarginata (studbookkeeper ESF, private breeding); private breeding: Homopus signatus, Malacochersus tornieri, Terrapene carolina triunguis, Terrapene carolina major, Terrapene ornata, Testudo g.graeca, Testudo hercegovinensis, Testudo h.boettgeri, Sternotherus m.minor, Geochelone pardalis, Platysternon megacephalum Fieldwork, captive breeding English; Dutch
Kuchling Gerald M Research Fellow School of Animal Biology The University of Western Australia 35Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 Australia Austria (+61) 8 6488 2243 (+61) 8 9381 5187 (+61) 8 6488 1029 [email protected] Australia, Madagascar, South Africa, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, China, Mediterranean Europe Testudo hermanni, Emys orbicularis, Erymnochelys madagascariensis, Pyxis planicauda, P. arachnoides, Asterochelys yniphora, A. radiata, Psuedemydura umbrina, Pelusios castanoides, Pelomedusa subrufa, Chelodina sp., Emydura sp., Elseya sp., Aldabrachelys dussumieri, Chersina angulata, Psammobates geometricus, Homopus areolatus, Kachuga trivittata, Chitra chitra, Chitra vandijki, Nilssonia formosa, Batagur baska, Callagur borneoensis Reproductive biology, ecology, captive breeding, species recovery, conservation, field surveys, systematics English; French; German
Lau Michael M Senior Manager Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories Hong Kong SAR China 852-24837177 852-27198584 852-24831877 [email protected] Hong Kong, South China Cuora trifasciata, other Hong Kong and South China chelonians Ecology, conservation, trade monitoring English; Chinese
Lawson Dwight P. M Vice President Animal Programs and Science Zoo Atlanta 800 Cherokee Ave. SE Atlanta 30315 GA USA 404-624-5619 404-493-4539 (cell) 404-627-7514 [email protected] Cameroon, Africa, Asia Kinixys erosa, Kinixys homeana. Currently maintain significant captive collection of a variety of species – of particular importance: Heosemys depressa, M. impressa, M. emys. Natural history, taxonomy, captive husbandry English
Le Minh M Graduate student American Museum of Natural History Department of Herpetology Central Park West at 79th Street New York 10024 NY USA Vietnam 212-313-7853 212-316-2439 212-769-5031 [email protected] Vietnam Taxonomy and Systematics: families Geoemydidae, Testudinidae, and Emydidae; Fieldwork and conservation: Cuora amboinensis, Heosemys grandis, Cyclemys tcheponensis, Geoemyda spengleri, Hieremys annandalii, Malayemys subtrijuga, Mauremys annamensis, Siebenrockiella crassicollis English; Vietnamese
Lechowicz Christopher J. Chris M Herpetologist/IT Specialist Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Rd Sanibel 33957 FL USA USA 239-472-3984 Home 239-437-4148 Cell 708-359-0396 239-472-4652 [email protected] [email protected] Work: // Personal: // USA, Madagascar All Graptemys species, Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota, Terrapene carolina bauri, All 4 native Madagascar Tortoises Morphology (Graptemys), population dynamics (Graptemys) English
Lehr Edgar M Dr./ Postdoctoral Fellow Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center 1345 Jayhawk Blvd., Dyche Hall Lawrence 66044 KS USA Germany 1-785-864-3439 1-785-812-3316 1-785-864-5335 [email protected] Peru; SE-Asia; Vietnam Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora bourreti, Cuora picturata, Cyclemys spp., Mauremys spp. Taxonomy, Biogeography, Trade and cultural use of turtles English; Spanish; German
Leontyeva Olga A. Olga F Prof. Dep. Biogeography, Fac. Geography, Moscow State University Vorobiovi Gori Moscow 119992 Russia +7 495 9394717 +7 495 3050719 +7 495 932 88 36 [email protected] Krasnodarskij Kraj of Russia, Georgia, Abkhazia (Caucasus) Testudo graeca nikolskii, Emys orbicularis Biology, ecology, biogeography, area. English; Russian
Leuteritz Thomas E.J. Thomas M Conservation Ecologist Redlands Institute, University of Redlands 1200 E Colton Ave Redlands 92373 CA USA Canada (909) 335-5383 (909) 801-9378 (909) 307-6952 [email protected] // USA, Madagascar, South Africa Gopherus agassizii, Geochelone radiata, Psammobates tentorius, Chrysemys picta, Emydoidea blandingii, Chelydra serpentina, Terrapene carolina Ecology, systematics, conservation & biodiversity, environmental science & public policy English; French; German
Lewis Richard E. M Conservation Coordinator Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust BP 8511 Antananarivo 101 Madagascar United Kingdom 261-202235748 261-331118989 261-202235748 [email protected] Philippines; Mascarenes; Mauritius; Madagascar Erymnochelys madagascariensis; Geochelone yniphora; Pyxis planicauda Conservation English; French ; Malagasy
Lieberman Susan S. Sue F Director, Global Species Programme WWF International Switzerland USA 39 06 8449 7331 Cell: +39 347 297 2856 39 06 841 3866 [email protected] [email protected] (personal email) Global; Italy Global-with a focus on a subset of priority species (including not only global flagship species but several ecoregional priority species and species subject to international trade). Wildlife trade and CITES, Conservation policy English; Spanish; Hebrew: Italian
Limpus Colin J. Col M Chief Scientist Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management PO Box 15155 Brisbane (City East) 4002 Queensland Australia Australia 61 7 32277718 67 7 3245 4056; 67 (0) 4 3821 0001 [email protected] Australia Emydura m. signata;E.m.krefftii;E.m.macquarii;E. m. nigra; Emydura subglobusa; Elseya albagula;E.latisternum;E.belli;Elusor macrurus; Rheodytes leukops; Chelodina longicollis; C. expansa; C. canni; C. rugosa; wild hybrid Chelodina populations Population dynamics; reproductive biology and ecology; management strategies; mitigating impacts of dams and weirs English
Limpus Duncan J. Duncan M Senior Technical Officer Department of Environment and Resource Management PO Box 843 Bundaberg 4670 Queensland Australia Australia 61 7 4159 2804 0407 734 608 61 7 4159 1671 [email protected] [email protected] Australia Elseya albagula, Elseya irwini, Elseya belli, Elseya sterlingi, Elseya lavarackorum, Wollumbinia latisternum, Chelodina expansa, Chelodina rugosa, Chelodina longicollis, Chelodina rankini, Chelodina canni, Emydura macquarii nigra, Emydura macquarii macquarii, Emydura macquarii krefftii, Emydura macquarii signata, Emydura macquarii emmotti, Emydura subglobosa, Emydura worreli, Emydura tanybaraga, Elusor macrurus, Rheodytes leukops Population dynamics, Reproductive ecology, Census methodology, Threatening processes. English
Lindeman Peter V. Peter M Professor of Biology Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Department of Biology and Health Services 150 Cooper Hall Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro 16444 PA USA USA (814) 732-2447 (814) 403-1501 (814) 732-1691 [email protected] USA Graptemys spp., Chrysemys picta, Trachemys scripta, Pseudemys concinna, Pseudemys texana, Apalone mutica, Apalone spinifera, Sternotherus odoratus, Sternotherus carinatus Ecology, evolution, life history, conservation English, German
Lipman Alison F Doctoral Candidate University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology 2912 Meadowwood Ave. Thousand Oaks 91360 CA USA 591-3-355-3835 805-493-1200; 591-704-98117 (cell) 591-3-355-3835 [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] (under construction) USA, Bolivia Podocnemis expansa, P. unifilis Reproductive, fitness, mortality studies; conservation English ; Spanish
Litzgus Jacqueline D. F Assistant Professor Laurentian University Department of Biology 935 Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury P3E 2C6 Ontario Canada 705-675-1151 ext 2314 705-677-0402 705-675-4859 [email protected] // Canada, USA Clemmys guttata, Glyptemys insculpta, Emydoidea blandingii, Chrysemys picta, Chelydra serpentina, Sternotherus odoratus, Graptemys geographica Life history, ecology, behaviour, demography, natural history, conservation English
Livoreil Barbara A. F Scientific officer SOPTOM – CRCC BP 24 – Tortoise village Gonfaron 83590 France (33) 494 78 28 93 (33) 680 00 05 16 [email protected] France Testudo hermanni Ethology – Eco-ethology English; French
Loehr Victor J.T. M M.Sc. Homopus Research Foundation Kwikstaartpad 1 IJsselstein 3403 ZH Netherlands 31-(0)30-6888616 31-(0)30-6888616 [email protected] // Netherlands, South Africa Homopus signatus (field and captive), Homopus boulengeri (field), Homopus femoralis (captive), Homopus areolatus (captive); Used to work on: Malacochersus tornieri (captive), Pyxis arachnoides (captive) Ecology (population dynamics, activity patterns, diet, reproduction, etc.); Small, rock-dwelling tortoises (e.g., Homopus spp., M. tornieri); Captive breeding; Studbook management (insurance colonies) English; Dutch
Louis Edward E., Jr. Ed M Conservation Geneticist Henry Doorly Zoo – Grewcock Center for Conservation and Research 3701 South 10th Street Omaha 68107 Nebraska USA (402)738-2095 (402)305-7544 (402)733-0490 [email protected] Madagascar; Ecuador (Galapagos); Mexico; Thailand; South Africa All species of tortoises and some turtles, especially in the countries listed previously. Molecular genetics, direct involvement of graduate level students in the studies, and local community based interaction. English
Lovich Jeffrey E. Jeff M Dr. Research Ecologist Southwest Biological Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey 2255 North Gemini Drive, MS-9394 Flagstaff 86001 AZ USA USA 928-556-7358 928-556-7092 [email protected] // USA Clemmys, Glyptemys, Actinemys, Graptemys, Mauremys, Trachemys, Kinosternon, Gopherus Ecology, evolutionary ecology, population biology English
Luiselli Luca M Chair of Research (Ecology) Centre of Environmental Studies 'Demetra s.r.l.' Via Olona 7 Roma I-00198 Italy 39-06-99838517 39-06-8809634 39-06-8411964 [email protected] Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Italy; mainly in Nigeria & Italy Kinixys spp, Pelusios spp, Pelomedusa subrufa, Trionyx triunguis, Cyclanorbis spp, Testudo hermanni, Emys orbicularis Ecology, Ethology, Population biology, Modelling ecology, Conservaton biology English; Spanish; French; Italian; West African Pidgin
Mantziou Georgia F MSc. Natural History Museum of Crete University of Crete Knossou Av., P.O.Box 2208 Irakleio 71409 Crete Greece +30 2810 393266, +30 2810 394079 +30 2810 210479 +30 2810 324366 [email protected] Greece and east Mediterranean region Palaearctic Mauremys species with emphasis on Mauremys rivulata. Phylogeography and population genetics English ; Greek
Maran Jérôme M L'association du refuge des tortues Mairie de Bessières – 26, place du Souvenir 427, route de Saint-Léon ; 31450 Ayguesvives Bessières 31660 France [email protected] [email protected] Africa, especially central africa; Gabon, Cameroun, Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), Central African Republic Genus Pelomedusa, Pelusios, Kinixys, Cycloderma, Cyclanorbis and Trionyx English; Spanish; French; Italian
McCormack Tim M Field Research Team Leader Asian Turtle Program (ATP) PO Box 222, Hanoi Central Post Office, Hanoi, Vietnam Office #2/C5 TT Dai Hoc Ngoai Thuong, Ngo 125, Chua Lang Dong Da, Hanoi Vietnam USA +84 (0)4 7753935 [email protected] Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar Cuora mouhotii (species focused field project) (captive experience); Cuora bourreti (species focused field project) (captive experience); Cuora picturata (captive experience); Cuora galbinifrons (captive experience); Mauremys annamensis (species focused field project) (captive experience); Rafetus swinhoei (species focused field project); Sacalia quadriocellata (captive experience); Indotestudo elongata (captive experience); Heosemys grandis (captive experience); Hieremys annandalii (captive experience); Cuora amboinensis (captive experience); Cyclemys sp. (captive experience); Siebenrockiella crassicollis (captive experience); Ocadia sinensis (captive experience) Turtle species focused: Field surveys, interview surveys, radio telemetry studies, student and ranger training, captive care and management development English ; Vietnamese
McCoy Earl D. M Dr. University of South Florida Department of Biology 4202 East Fowler Avenue Tampa 33620 Florida USA 813-974-5219 813-935-3329 813-974-3263 [email protected] USA, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico Gopherus polyphemus, G. agassizii, Kinosternon baurii Ecology, population biology, conservation English
McDiarmid Roy W. M Research Zoologist, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center PO Box 37012 Room 378, MRC 111 Washington 20013-7012 DC USA 202 633-0731 703 536-6653 202 357-1932 [email protected] North, Central, and South America [primarily USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela] Sternotherus, Chelydra, Mesoclemmys Systematics, ecology, biogeography English; Spanish
McGaugh Suzanne E. F Graduate Student Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology 251 Bessey Hall Ames 50011 IA USA 515-294-9347 515-232-2415, 512-497-5813 515-294-1337 [email protected] USA (Texas, Iowa, Illinois), Mexico (Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas, and Chihuahua) Trachemys scripta, Trachemys taylori, Apalone spinifera, Apalone ater, Terrapene coahuila, Chrysemys picta Population genetics, Phylogeography, Phylogenetics, Molecular Genetics English
Medica Philip A. M Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist U.S. Geological Survey/Biological Resources Division Western Ecological Research Center Las Vegas Field Station 160 N. Stephanie Street Henderson 89074 NV USA (702) 564-4573 (702)914-7461 (702) 465-4600 [email protected] USA, Southwestern states of Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico Gopherus agassizii Herpetology, Desert Ecology (long-term studies), Small Mammal Ecology (desert rodents), Radioecology (radiation effects on natural populations). English
Meshaka Walter E., Jr. M Senior Curator of Zoology and Botany State Museum of Pennsylvania 300 North Street Harrisburg 17120 Pennsylvania USA 717-783-9901 717-728-0533 717-214-2990 [email protected] Eastern United States Sternotherus odoratus, Kinosternon baurii, Gopherus polyphemus, Terrapene carolina, Glyptemys insculpta, Deirochelys reticularia Ecology, geographic variation in life history traits English
Métrailler Sébastien M Ch. Du Bosquet 6 1967 Bramois Switzerland Switzerland 41272036973 [email protected] [email protected] // South America, French Guyana, Paraguay, Argentina Chelidae from South America (particularly Acanthochelys). Observation in the wild and captive breeding English; French
Meylan Peter A. M Professor of Biology and Marine Science Eckerd College Natural Sciences 4200 54th Ave. S St. Petersburg 33711 FL USA 727-864-8497 727-864-8382 [email protected] [email protected] // Panama, Bermuda, USA Apalone ferox, Pseudemys concinna, P. floridana, P. nelsoni. Sternotherus minor, S. odoratus, Chelydra serpentina, Trachemys scripta, Malaclemys terrapin, Clemmys guttata Morphology and morphology based phylogeny; field biology, ecology, conservation biology English
Mitchell Joseph C. Joe M Independent Research Ecologist Mitchell Ecological Research Service, LLC 10404 Patterson Ave., Suite 208 Richmond 23238 VA USA 804-314-5533 804-314-5533 cell 804-740-7086 [email protected] USA Emydidae, Kinosternidae, Chelydridae Conservation biology, population ecology, life histories English
Mittermeier Russell A. Russ M President Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive Suite 500 Arlington 22202 VA USA 01-703-341-2689 Mobile: 01-202-203-9636 01-703-553-4817 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar; Brazil; Suriname; Guyana Podocnemis; Chelids English; Spanish; French; German; Portuguese
Mobaraki Asghar M Reptilian Expert Department of Environment Wildlife and Aquatic Affairs Bureau Mehhat Highway, Pardisan Eco-Park P.O.Box 5181 Tehran 15875 Iran 98 21 88269293 Cell: 09123849616 98 21 88267993 [email protected] Iran Rafetus euphraticus, Testudo spp, Emys orbicularis, Mauremys caspica Biology and Ecology English; Farsi (Persian); Turkish (Azari)
Moler Paul E. M Biological Administrator (Retired) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 4005 S Main Street Gainesville 32601 FL USA 01-352-955-2230 01-352-495-9419 01-352-955-2183 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Vietnam, South Africa Gopherus polyphemus, Macrochelys temminckii, Graptemys barbouri, Apalone ferox, Apalone mutica Population survey, genetics, harvest English
Moll Don M Professor of Biology Missouri State University Biology Dept. 901 S. National Springfield 65897-7920 MO USA 1-417-836-5062 1-417-877-8124 1-417-836-4204 [email protected] // Global; USA, Costa Rica, Belize, Thailand, Tanzania All turtles and tortoises Ecology and conservation biology English
Moll Edward O. Ed M Dr./ Professor Emeritus Eastern Illinois Univiersity 1941 W. Sunset Knoll Ln. Tucson 85704 Arizona USA 520 742 6525 [email protected] Malaysia, India, United States River Turtles Ecology, Conservation English ; Spanish
Mortimer Jeanne A. F Dr. c/o P.O. Box 445 Victoria 0000 Mahe Seychelles USA ++ (248) 579-636 ++ (248) 323-050 ++ 1 – (208) 567-4807 [email protected] Current: Seychelles; Previous: Brazil (Rio Trombetas) Current: Aldabrachelys elephantina (a.k.a. Geochelone gigantea); Pelusios subniger parietalis; Pelusios castanoides intergularis; Pelusios seychellensis (extinct?); Previous: Podocnemis expansa Population assessment & management English ; Spanish; French; Portuguese; Seychellois Kreol
Mushinsky Henry R. M Professor of Biology/Graduate Director University of South Florida Department of Biology -SCA 110 Tampa 33620 FL USA 813-974-5218 813-949-7005 813-974-3263 [email protected] [email protected] USA Gopherus polyphemus Ecology/Natural History English
Mwaya Reginald T. M Lecturer College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka P.O. Box 3031 Moshi Tanzania 255 27 2756451 Cell +255 27 0744 450 496 255 27 2756414 [email protected] Tanzania, East Africa sub-region Pancake tortoise, Malacochersus tornieri (Testudinidae) Wildlife ecology, Wildlife management and conservation English; Kiswahili
Noureen Uzma Uzma F Wetlands Conservation Biologist Pakistan Wetlands Programme, WWF – Pakistan House No. 3, Street No. 4 Sector F-7/3 Islamabad Islamabad Capital Territory Pakistan Pakistan 0092-51-2610880/5 0092 344 9763634 0092-51-2610878 [email protected] [email protected]; Pakistan Freshwater turtles (Chitra indica, Aspideretes gangeticus, Aspideretes hurum) Biological and socio-economic surveys, research, management, lobbying, advocacy, training and capacity-building English; Urdu; Saraiki
Ogle Ronnie M. Michael M Lead Keeper Knoxville Zoological Gardens P.O. Box 6040 Knoxville 37914 Tennessee USA USA 1-865-637-5331 ext 342 865-247-5362 H and 865-250-0234 M 865-637-1943 [email protected] [email protected] USA and Madagascar Pyxis planicauda, Pyxis arachnoides, Astrochelys radiata, Geochelone platynota, Manouria impressa, Geochelone elegans, Geochelone gigantea, Homopus signatus, Malacochersus tornieri Captive Breeding of Malagasy tortoises English
Orenstein Ronald I. Ron M 1825 Shady Creek Court Mississauga L5L 3W2 Ontario Canada Canada (905) 820-7886; (905) 301-3332 (cell) (905) 569-0116 [email protected] Global CITES and other MEA's English
Ota Hidetoshi Toshi M Japan [email protected] Japan English, Japanese
Owens Thomas C. Tommy M Senior Keeper San Diego Zoo Dept. of Herpetology P.O. Box 120551 San Diego 92112 CA USA (619) 231-1515 ext.4163 (951)926-6879 Cell (865)405-5331 (619)685-3211 [email protected] [email protected] Captive: Global; in-Situ: United States Captive: Many species of tortoise and fresh water turtles In-Situ: Actinemys (or Emys) marmorata pallida, G. muhlenbergii Captive management; field monitoring, telemetry English; Spanish
Páez Vivian P. F Associate professor Instituto de Biología; Universidad de Antioquia Bloque 7-106; A.A 1226; Medellín; Colombia Carrera 25B-26 SUR-009; casa 140; Urbanización Sierra Verde; Envigado Medellín Antioquia Colombia (574) 2105628; 2105622; 2105620 (574) 3362953 (574) 2330120 [email protected] Colombia Podocnemis lewyana. Trachemys callirostris calliostris. Podocnemis unifilis. Geochelone carbonaria Population ecology; reproductive ecology; conservation biology English; Spanish
Pappas Michael J. M Owner-CEO Michael's Restaurant 15 South Broadway Rochester Minnesota USA 1.507.288.2020 1.507.280.4064 1.507.288.5553 [email protected] [email protected] North America (Minnesota and Wisconsin – Upper Mississippi River marsh and river turtles) Emydoidea blandingii, Apalone spinifera, Apalone mutica, Graptemys geographica, Graptemys pseudogeographica, Graptemys ouachitensis, Chelydra, Chrysemys picta belli, and Glyptemys insculpta Expertise in aquatic trapping methodology for both lentic and lotic chelonians; research on life history, demographics and reproductive strategies of Blanding’s turtles and the con-specific species of their turtle community; research on freshwater turtle hatchling orientation and dispersal from nests English; Spanish
Parham James F. Jim M Postdoctoral Research Associate Biodiversity Synthesis Center, The Field Museum 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago 60605 IL USA (312)665-7483 (312)665-7516 [email protected] [email protected] // China, Middle East, Armenia, Iran, Turkey, Greater Antilles, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic Geoemydidae, Testudinidae Systematics, Conservation English
Pauler Ingo M Chairman DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V.) Im Sandgarten 4 Wachenheim D-67157 Germany 49-(0)6322-64962 49-(0)6322-68529 [email protected] Germany and EU South American and Asian Freshwater Turtles, Astrochelys radiata and Malacochersus tornieri Keeping and Breeding Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises, Conservation and Lobbying, Management of Organisations English; Spanish; French; German; Italian; Portuguese
Pearse Devon E. M Research Geneticist National Marine Fisheries Service, Fisheries Ecology Division 110 Shaffer Road Santa Cruz 95060 CA USA 831-420-3906 831-466-9659 831-420-3977 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Brazil, Venezuela Podocnemis expansa, Chrysemys picta Population genetics, Conservation breeding, Behavioral Ecology English; Spanish
Pedrono Miguel M Researcher in Conservation Biology CIRAD UR AGIRs Campus International de Baillarguet Montpellier, Cedex 5 34398 France 33 4 67 59 39 03 / 37 22 33 4 67 59 37 99 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar, France Astrochelys yniphora, Astrochelys radiata, Pyxis planicauda, Pyxis arachnoides, Kinixys belliana, Erymnochelys madagascariensis, Pelusios castanoides, Pelusios subniger, Pelomedusa subrufa Conservation Strategies, Population Dynamics, Population Viability Analysis, Reintroduction, Ex situ Conservation, Evaluation and Monitoring, Protected Area Management. French, English, Malagasy
Perälä Jarmo M Researcher / Dr. Currently free-lance, working with SOPTOM (France); Finnish Museum of Natural History (Finland); etc. Humalistonkatu 15 A 18 Helsinki 00250 Finland +358-400-747761 Same as above [email protected] [email protected] Current main focus on France, but also (as previously) all circum-Mediterranean countries; Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Libya, western and central Asia Eurotestudo hermanni (current; specific); all species in genera Testudo, Eurotestudo and Agrionemys (current and previous; specific) Systematics; Taxonomy; Conservation; Fieldwork English; German; Swedish; Finnish
Pezzuti Juarez C.B. Juarez M Dr. Pará Federal University Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus do Guamá Av. Augusto Correa, S/N, Guamá Belém 66075-110 Pará Brazil Brazil 00 55 91 3201 7231 00 55 91 3255 0124 00 55 91 3201 7677 [email protected] [email protected] Brazilian Amazonia Podocnemis expansa, P. unifilis, P. sextuberculata, P. erythrocephala, Peltocephalus dumerilianus, Kinosternon scorpioides, Rhinoclemmys punctularia Reproduction, ecology and management English; Portuguese
Philippen Hans-Dieter M Kuhlerstrasse 154 52525 Heinsberg Germany Germany [email protected] English, German
Platt Kalyar F Ph.D. Student Turtle Laboratory, Faculty of Science Phaya Thai Road, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330 Thailand Myanmar Home: +18458327113 Mobile: +18452384093 18458327113 [email protected] Myanmar; Thailand; Malaysia Batagur baska Conservation biology Myanmar, English, Japanese, Thai
Platt Steven G. Steve M Assistant Prof. Oglala Lakota College 1674 Ormandy Dr. (Permanent address) Baton Rouge 70808 LA USA 605-745-7966 225-924-2160 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand; Indonesia Various Field biology English
Plummer Michael V. Mike M Professor of Biology Harding University Box 12251 Department of Biology Searcy 72149 Arkansas USA 501-279-4518 501-268-5526 501-279-4706 [email protected] USA Apalone mutica, A. spinifera, Terrapene ornata Population and physiological ecology English
Polisar John M Coordinator Biodiversity of BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua Saint Louis Zoo 4841 1st Street, S. Arlington 22204 VA USA Nicaragua 505-252-5993 USA 703-920-6897 [email protected] [email protected] Nicaragua, Belize, Guatemala, Venezuela, USA Chelydra serpentina, Trachemys scripta, Kinosternon leucostomum, Dermatemys mawii Field ecology and conservation, conservation implementation in rural societies, environmental diplomacy English; Spanish
Poynter Bradley Brad M Reptile Keeper Cleveland Metroparks Zoo 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland 44109 OH USA 216)661-6500 x4432 216)534-3755 [email protected] Southeast Asia; Malaysia Batagur baska and other river terrapins Husbandry and Biology English
Praschag Peter M Mag. Dr. Am Katzelbach 98, 8054 Graz (beginning with April 2006) Franz-Riepl-Gasse 24, 8020 Graz (till April 2006) Graz 8054 (8020 see above) Austria 0043/316/282729 (beginning with April) 0043/664/2040830 0043/316/282729 [email protected] Global, but in last years India and Bangladesh, best known area Northeast India, but also Pakistan, Myanmar; Austria Trionychidae (Aspideretes, Lissemys, Chitra, Pelochelys, Nilssonia) ; Geoemydidae (Kachuga, Pangshura, Hardella, Morenia, Batagur, Geoemyda, Heosemys, Leucocephalon, Melanochelys) ; Further Sternotherus, Emys, Glyptemys and Graptemys Topical field works in India and Bangladesh and maybe China in near future. Keeping 90 species, breeding 40, mainly species from South Asia and North America, but from all parts of the world. English; German
Pritchard Peter C.H. M President Chelonian Research Institute 402 South Central Avenue Oviedo 32765 FL USA United Kingdom (407) 366-4020 (407) 365-6347 407 366-4020 [email protected] Guyana, Galapagos (Ecuador), Vietnam, China, Many others from time to time All chelonians Turtles of the world. Have published monographs on Kemp's ridley, Galapagos tortoises, Alligator snappers, Venezuelan turtles, marine turtles of Micronesia, Etc. English; Spanish; French
Quinn Hugh R. M General Curator Cleveland Metroparks Zoo 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland 44109 OH USA 216-635-3313 216-661-3312 [email protected] Asia, USA Many Conservation biology English
Rafeliarisoa Tsilavo H. Tsilavo M Doctorate student University of Antananarivo Animal Biology Department / Henry Doorly Zoo's Madagascar Biodiversity and Biogeography Project Lot VR79 Ambanidia – Ankadibevava (Madagascar) Henry Doorly Zoo, 3701 South 10th Street, Omaha, NE 68107 (USA) Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Madagascar 261326511017 [email protected] Madagascar Astrochelys radiata, Erymnochelys madagascariensis Conservation genetics, capture-mark-recapture technique English; French ; Malagasy
Ramy Angelo M. M Baly Bay Project Responsible Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Lot II Y 49 J Ampasanimalo BP 8511 Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Madagascar +261 33 025 2308 / +261 20 223 5748 +261 33 122 7875 +261 20 222 1254 [email protected] Madagascar, Baly Bay National Parc (Soalala) Astrochelys yniphora Population genetics, population density, releasing, modeling English; French; Malagasy
Randriamahazo Herilala J.A.R. M Coordinator of Tortoise Conservation Project Wildlife Conservation Society BP 8500 Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Madagascar 261-20-22-597-89; 261-33-11-879-93 261-20-24-220-43; 261-33-11-245-36 261-20-22-529-76 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar Geochelone radiata, Pyxis arachnoides Population dynamics, Conservation through community approach, monitoring of illegal trade English; French; Malagasy; Japanese
Rao R.J. M Associate Professor Jiwaji University School of Studies in Zoology Jiwaji University Vidhya Vihar Gwalior 474011 Madhya Pradesh India 091-751-4016773 091-751-2340463 091-751-2341450 [email protected] India A. gangeticus, K. kachuga, K. dhongoka, L. punctata, H.thurgii, G. hamiltonii, P. tentoria, P. tecta, A. hurum, C. indica Ecology, conservation, reproductive biology, English; Hindi; Telugu
Raphael Bonnie L. F Senior Veterinarian Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Blvd Bronx 10460 New York USA 718-220-7100 917-647-9598 718-220-7126 [email protected] Vietnam, USA, Madagascar Veterinary medicine English
Razafindrakoto A. Léon Leon M Coordinator of the Program SOKAKE Salamandra Nature 64 rue de Guéramé Alencon 61000 France Madagascar 00 (33) 2 33 31 70 92 00 (33) 2 43 29 17 49 & 00 (33) 6 37 93 83 70 [email protected] [email protected] France; Madagascar Geochelone radiata, Pyxis arachnoides; Tortoises and Freshwater turtles Ecology of conservation, education to the environment English; French ; Malagasy
Rhodin Anders G.J. M Director Chelonian Research Foundation 168 Goodrich St Lunenburg 01462 MA USA Sweden 1-978-582-9668 1-978-807-2902 1-978-582-6279 [email protected] Papua New Guinea; Indonesia; USA; South America; Brazil; Puerto Rico; Sweden Chelodina, Chelidae as main focus; Chrysemys picta, all others as necessary Taxonomy, conservation, publishing English; French; Swedish
Riedle J. Daren Daren M PhD Student West Texas A&M University Dept. of Life, Earth, and Environmental Science Box 60808 Canyon 79016 TX United States United States (806) 676-6732 (806) 676-6732 [email protected] United States Macrochelys temminckii, Chelydra serpentina, Gopherus agassizii, Kinosternon sonoriense, Kinosternon flavescens, Kinosternon subrubrum, Apalone spinifera, Sternotherus odoratus, Sternotherus carinatus, Trachemys scripta, Pseudemys concinna, Graptemys ouachitensis, Graptemys psuedogeographica. Conservation Biology, Natural History, and Demography. English
Rioux Paquette Sébastien M Postdoctoral Fellow Victoria University Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600 Wellington 6140 New Zealand [email protected] Madagascar, Canada Geochelone radiata, Glyptemys insculpta, Graptemys geographica, Chrysemys picta Conservation Genetics, Conservation Biology, Molecular Ecology English ; French
Riyanto Awal M Researcher Zoology Division of Research Centre for Biology-The Indonesian Institute of Sciences/ “Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense” Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong 16911 West Java Indonesia +62-021-8765056 081524529464 OR 081399736980 +62-021-8765068 [email protected] [email protected] Indonesia Indotestudo forstenii, Leucocephalon yuwonoi, Cuora amboinensis, Amyda cartilaginea Herpetology English; Bahasa Indonesian
Rodrigues Maurice M Co-Director Behler Chelonian Center 49 Bleeker Street New York 10012 New York USA 646-277-3314 908-347-4650 646-277-3322 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar, Myanmar & South Africa Geochelone radiata, Geochelone platynota, Pyxis planicauda, Pyxis arachnoides, Homopus signatus, Chersina angulata, Geoclemys hamiltoni, Heosemys depressa, Indotestudo forsteni, Manouria impressa, Manouria emys, Geochelone nigra, Homopus areolatus, Kinyxis erosa, Geochelone elegans, Geochelone sulcata Captive management English; Spanish; Portuguese
Roosenburg Willem M. M Associate Professor Ohio University Department of Biological Sciences Athens 45701 OH USA Work: 740.593.9669; Work Mobile: 740.503.4983 Home Sept – April: 740.448.3406; Home May- Aug: 301.884.7467 740.593.9669 [email protected] // USA – Eastern United States; Maryland – Chesapeake Bay Region; Ohio – Scioto River Drainage Malaclemys terrapin, Graptemys ouchatensis Population biology and Evolutionary ecology, Diamondback Terrapin Conservation and management English; Dutch
Rueda-Almonacid José Vicente José Vicente M Coordinador Programas Biodiversidad y Especies Amenazadas Conservación Internacional-Colombia Carrera 13 # 71-41 Calle 57 # 25-07 Dirección Antigua Bogotá Cundinamarca Colombia Colombia (571)3452852 3105766647 3452852 Ext 109 [email protected] Colombia Dermochelys coriacea, Mesoclemmys dahli, Podocnemis lewyana, Chelonoidis carbonaria, Trachemys callirostris Taxonomia e Historia Natural Spanish
Salzberg Allen S. Allen M Publisher/Editor HerpDigest c/o Allen Salzberg 67-87 Booth Street -5B Forest Hills 11375 New York USA USA 1-718-275-2190 1-718-275-2190 cell 917-204-9262 1-718-275-3307 [email protected] [email protected] Global All Journalist English
Saumure Raymond A. Ray M Preserve Biologist The Las Vegas Springs Preserve 1001 South Valley View Boulevard Las Vegas 89107 NV USA Canada 702-822-7729 702-407-8303 702-822-8771 [email protected] [email protected] //; // Canada, USA Apalone spinifera, Chelydra serpentina, Chrysemys picta, Clemmys guttata, Emydoidea blandingii, Glyptemys insculpta, Gopherus agassizii, Graptemys geographica, Sternotherus odoratus Population ecology, conservation biology, natural history, spatial ecology, parasitology (leeches) English; French
Schaffer Chuck M Editor, Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 13811 Tortuga Point Drive Jacksonville 32225 FL USA 904 220 0678 904 220 0678 [email protected] North America, Southeast Asia; USA Manouria emys, Gopherus polyphemus, Terrapene Carolina, occasional work with other North American and Southeast Asian chelonians Chelonian behavioral ecology, Chelonian Zooarchaeology, History of Chelonian images English
Schaffer Jason R. Jason M Research worker Australian Center for Tropical Freshwater Research James Cook University, Townsville Qld Australia 4814 Townsville 4814 Queensland Australia Canada +61 (07) 4781-5496 H: (07) 4723-9705 M: 0437142227 +61 (07) 4781-5589 [email protected] [email protected] // Australia Elseya stirlingi, Elseya irwini, Elseya albagula, Rheodytes leukops, Emydura krefftii, Emydura subglobosa subglobosa, Wollumbinia latisternum Aquatic Ecology, Freshwater Turtle Diving Physiology English
Schoppe Sabine F Co-Manager PCCP Katala Foundation PO Box 390 Puerto Princesa City PH-5300 Palawan Philippines Germany 6-03 78820171 [email protected] Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, SE Asia Cuora amboinensis, Siebenrockiella leytensis (former Heosemys leytensis), Non-marine chelonians Trade, conservation English; Spanish; German; Tagalog; Cebuano
Scott Norman J., Jr. Norm M Retired P.O. Box 307 3655 Lindquist Lane Creston 93432 CA USA 805-227-4246 [email protected] Paraguay; California, USA Actinemys marmorata Herpetology English; Spanish
Seidel Michael E. Mike M Professor (emeritus) of Biological Science 4430 Richmond Park Dr. E Jacksonville 32224 FL USA [email protected] USA, West Indies; Dominican Republic; Puerto Rico Emydidae (esp. Trachemys, Pseudemys) and Kinosternidae Taxonomy/ Systematics and Ecology English
Seigel Richard A. Rich M Professor and Chair Towson University Department of Biological Sciences 8000 York Rd Towson 21252 MD USA 410-704-3123 410-420-2336 410-704-2405 [email protected] [email protected] // USA Gopherus polyphemus, Malaclemys terrapin, Graptemys flavimaculata, Chrysemys picta, Chelydra serpentina Population ecology, reproductive ecology. metapopulations, Impacts of disease, conservation English
Selman Will M Graduate Research Assistant University of Southern Mississippi 118 College Drive # 5018 Hattiesburg 39406 MS USA (601)266-5907 (601)466-6114 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Southeast Mississippi Primary Species: Yellow – blotched sawback (Graptemys flavimaculata), Ringed sawback (Graptemys oculifera), Secondary Species: Pascagoula Map Turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi), River Cooter (Pseudemys sp.), Razorback musk turtle (Sternotherus carinatus) Conservation Biology, Endocrinology, Population Genetics English
Senneke Darrell M Director World Chelonian Trust 4N710 Sawmill Trail Wayne 60184 IL USA 630-688-6098 630-513-0512 630-513-0360 [email protected] [email protected] // , // USA Testudo species, Indotestudo species, Glyptemys insculpta Husbandry, Breeding English
Shaffer H. Bradley Brad M Professor University of California Section of Evolution and Ecology Davis 95616 CA USA 530-752-2939 530-756-7266 530-752-1449 [email protected] // USA, Australia, Mexico, new world tropics, China Right now, I'm putting together a study on all species of turtles in the world. I've worked extensively on Australian chelids (Emydura, Elseya), most North American turtles, trionychids worldwide Systematics, molecular phylogenetics English ; Spanish
Sharma Dionysius S.K. Dino M Director WWF-Malaysia Malaysia [email protected] Malaysia English, Malay
Shepherd Chris R. M Regional Programme Officer TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Unit 9-3A, 3rd Floor, JalanSS23/11, Taman SEA Petaling Jaya 47400 Selangor Malaysia Canada 6-03 7880 3940 6012 234 0790 6-03 7882 0171 [email protected] Southeast Asia; Malaysia; Indonesia Turtles, reptiles, mammals, birds Conservation, wildlife trade English; Indonesian
Shi Haitao Shi M Dean, College of Life Science Hainan Normal University South Longkun road, No. 99, Haikou city, Hainan province Haikou 571158 Hainan China 0086-898-65883521 0086-898-66752479 0086-898-65890520 [email protected] China Sacalia quadriocellata, Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora mouhoti Life history, ecology, conservation English; Chinese
Singh Shailendra Shai M Project Scientist Center For Herpetology/ Madras Crocodile Bank Trust c/o Mr. Ashutosh Tripathi HN: 46 Katrabalsingh Etawah 206001 Uttar Pradesh India 91-44-27472447/27472953 91-9453310292 91-44-27472958 [email protected] [email protected] India Batagur kachuga, Batagur dhongoka, Chitra indica, Hardella thurjii, Pangshura spp., Nilssonia hurum. Head-starting and recovery programmes, Field Research and Conservation Education English ; Hindi
Slimani Tahar M Enquiring teacher (Professor); President of the Moroccan association of Herpetology “SMH” Department of Biology, Faculty of sciences Semlalia PO. Box 2390 Marrakech 40 000 Morrocco 00 212 24 43 46 49 P. 184 00 212 061 17 67 49 00 212 24 43 74 12 [email protected] // Southernmost and Saharan areas of Morocco Testudo graeca; Mauremys leprosa; Emys orbicularis Dynamics of the populations and biology of the conservation French, English, Arabic
Smith Lora L. F Assistant Scientist Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center Route 2, Box 2324 Newton 39870-9651 GA USA 229-734-4706 x280 229-246-7374 229-734-6650 [email protected] [email protected] USA, formerly Madagascar Gopherus polyphemus, Graptemys barbouri, Macrochelys temminckii, Kinosternon subrubrum, Geochelone yniphora (formerly) Spatial ecology, reproductive ecology, predation in tortoises English; Malagasy
Som Sitha Sitha M Team Leader Conservation International, Cambodian Turtle Conservation Team No 10, St. 420, Sangkat Boeng Trabek, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh No. 216H, St. 63, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh Phnom Penh 855 Cambodia (855) 23- 214 627 (855) 12- 683 778 (855) 23- 214 627 [email protected] Most of Cambodia and central Laos (Nakai Plateau) I work on all species in Cambodia Research, species identification, habitat assessment, dietary, threats, etc. and education English; Cambodian
Souza Franco L. Franco M Professor Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Depto. Biologia Campo Grande 79070-900 Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil 67-3345-7341 67-3351-0357 67-3345-7338 [email protected] Brazil Hydromedusa maximiliani, Phrynops geoffroanus, Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei, Acanthochelys macrocephala Natural history English; Spanish; Portuguese
Spinks Phillip Q. Phil M Postdoc University of California, Davis 3310 Storer Hall Section of Evolution and Ecology University of California Davis 95616 CA USA 530-754-7694 530-297-7606 530-752-1449 [email protected] // USA Emys marmorata, Cuora, Geoemydidae, Emydidae Phylogenetics, systematics, conservation genetics English
Spotila James R. Jim M Betz Chair Professor of Environmental Science Drexel University Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology 3141 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 19104 PA USA 1- 215-895-2627 1-609-440-5158 1-215-895-1273 [email protected] USA, South Africa, Costa Rica Pseudemys scripta, Pseudemys rubriventris, Terrapene carolina, Chelydra serpentina, Chrysemys picta, Kinosternon Ecology, physiology, biophysical ecology, biodiversity and conservation, population biology English
Starkey David E. M Postdoctoral Research Associate USDA/ARS/NCAUR 1815 N. University St. Peoria 61604 IL USA 309-681-6038 309-681-6672 [email protected] USA, Australia, and the Caribbean; Dominican Republic; Puerto Rico Trachemys, Sternotherus, Kinosternon, Emydura, Elseya, Erymnochelys, Chelydra, Podocnemis Genetics, Phylogeography, and Molecular Evolution English
Stuart Bryan L. Bryan M Curator of Herpetology North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences 11 West Jones Street Raleigh 27601 NC USA USA 919-733-7450 ext. 751 919-600-2422 [email protected] [email protected] Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, China All Indochinese species. Special fondness for Cuora and Cyclemys. Molecular systematics, hybridization, historic (ancient) DNA, Southeast Asian harvest and trade English, Lao
Swingland Ian R. M Professor and Founder Director The Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, Kent, UK and Sustainable Forestry Management, London, UK Herons Hall Nash Canterbury CT3 2JX Kent United Kingdom 4.47972E+11 4.47972E+11 4.41305E+11 [email protected]; Australia, Bangladesh, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Europe, India, Indonesia, PR China, Peru, Sarawak, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe All species of animals and plants especially chelonian. Integrated ecosystem management, commercialization, international development, project designer for ADB, WB and GEF. English
Syed Gracia P. F Dermatemys program coordinator Grupo Dermatemys 331 Lincoln Ave. Takoma Park 20912 MD USA Mexico 301 891 3383 202 361 5177 [email protected] Mexico, Mesoamerica Dermatemys mawii Conservation biology, genetics, captive management, environmental education programs English; Spanish
Tabaka Chris M Veterinarian 27120 Bunert Road Warren 48089 Michigan USA 313-806-2136 313-806-2136 [email protected] [email protected] (WCT) United States- Michigan fauna, Southeast Asia Ex situ- Most Southeast Asian taxa with particular focus on Cuora picturata, Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora bourreti. In situ- Glyptemys insculpta, Clemmys guttata, Terrapene c.carolina Clinical medicine English
Taskavak Ertan M Professor, Phd Ege University Faculty of Fisheries Dept. of Basic Sciences Bornova Izmir 35100 Turkey 90 232 3884000 ext 1943 90 232 3684802 90 232 388 36 85 [email protected]; [email protected]; // Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Israel, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia Rafetus euphraticus, Trionyx triunguis, Emys orbicularis, Mauremys caspica, Mauremys rivulata, Testudo hermanni, Testudo graeca Systematic, Conservation, Biology English; Turkish
Thomas R. Brent Brent M Associate Professor of Biology Emporia State University Department of Biological Sciences Campus Box – 4050 Emporia 66801 Kansas USA 620-341-5608 620-794-6271 620-341-5607 [email protected] USA Mostly freshwater turtles in the family Emydidae (e.g., Trachemys scripta; Pseudemys concinna, Pseudemys floridana, Chrysemys picta) Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Natural History English
Thomson Robert C. Bob M Graduate Student Section of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis One Shields Ave. University of California Davis 95616 CA USA 1-754-7694 1-530-848-9639 [email protected] // USA Graptemys sp., Emys marmorata, Trachemys scripta, Phylogenetics of all turtle species Systematics English
Thomson Scott M Adjunct Professional Associate Institute of Applied Ecology University of Canberra Canberra 2601 ACT Australia 61 2 6201 5786 0413 845 633 61 2 6201 5305 [email protected] // Australasia; Australia; Papua New Guinea Chelodina sp. Elseya sp. Emydura sp. Macrochelodina sp. Rheodytes sp. Elusor macrurus, Pseudemydura umbrina, Carettochelys inscultpa. Taxonomy and Systematics, Nomenclature, Bio Statistics, Palaeontology, Databases English
Thorbjarnarson John B. M Senior Conservation Zoologist Wildlife Conservation Society PO Box 357625 Gainesville 32605 FL USA 352-264-7775 [email protected] Global; China; Venezuela; Belize; Myanmar; Brazil Podocnemis unifilis, P. sextuberculata Conservation, management English; Spanish
Trauth Stanley E. Stan M Professor Arkansas State University Department of Biological Sciences P.O. Box 599 State University 72467-0599 AR USA 870.972.3111 870.935.5893 870.972.2636 [email protected] // USA Macrochelys temminckii, Apalone spinifera, Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis; snapping turtles and map turtles Electron microscopy; natural history, Spermatozoan ultrastructure English
Tryon Bern W. M Director of Animal Collections/Herpetology Knoxville Zoological Gardens P. O. Box 6040 3500 Knoxville Zoo Drive Knoxville 37914 TN USA (865) 637-5331, ext. 340 (865) 637-1943 [email protected] USA Glyptemys muhlenbergii Captive management, field studies English
Tuberville Tracey D. F Research Professional University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Drawer E, Building 737-A Aiken 29802 South Carolina USA 803-725-5757 803-725-3309 [email protected] United States (eastern), Jamaica gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus), aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles Conservation, translocation, population ecology, natural history English
Tucker John K. M Research Scientist Illinois Natural History Survey 8450 Montclaire Avenue Brighton 62012 IL USA 618-466-9690 618-786-2578 618-466-9688 [email protected] [email protected] USA (Central) Trachemys scripta, Chelydra serpentina, Terrapene carolina, Sternotherus odoratus, Chrysemys picta, Emydoidea blandingii Turtle reproductive ecology and general ecological studies of aquatic turtles English
Türkozan Oguz M Associate Professor Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology Aydin 9010 Turkey 90-256- 212 84 98 /2218 90- 256- 2260349 90-256- 2135379 [email protected] [email protected] // Turkey All chelonians of Turkey is my interest but I have been working on genus Testudo and Trionyx Reproductive ecology, systematic and conservation of chelonians. English; Turkish
Valenzuela Nicole F Assistant Professor Iowa State University 253 Bessey Hall Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Ames 50011 IA USA Colombia/USA (515) 294-1285 (515) 294-1337 [email protected] // USA, South America, Colombia, Venezuela Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis unifilis, Podocnemis lewyana, Chrysemys picta, Trachemys scripta, Malaclemys terrapin, Apalone mutica, Apalone spinifera, Chelydra serpentina Evolutionary ecology, sex determination, population genetics, ecological genetics, developmental biology, thermal ecology, conservation, ecological and evolutionary genomics English; Spanish; French; Italian
van Dijk Peter Paul M Director, CI-CABS Tortoise & Freshwater Turtle Conservation Program Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 Arlington 22202 VA USA Netherlands 1 703 341 2679 1 571 426 1744 [email protected] [email protected] Global, emphasis on Asia Any tortoise & freshwater turtle Status assessment, trade management, ecology, taxonomy English; Dutch; German; French
Vargas-Ramirez Mario A. Mario M 1. PhD Guest Researcher 2. Associate member 1. Museum of Zoology (Museum für Tierkunde) Natural History State Collections Dresden. 2. Fundacion Biodiversa Colombia. 1. Dresden, Germany. 2. Bogota, Colombia. 01099 Germany Colombia 0049 (0) 15777835354/ [email protected] Colombia Podocnemis lewyana Population genetics, evolution, ecology, environmental education. English; Spanish; German
Velosoa Juliette Juliette F Conservationist Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Madagascar Program Lot II Y J Ampasanimalo BP 8511 Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Madagascar +261 20 22 357 48 +261 (0)32 40 564 27 or +261 (0)34 04 662 20 +261 (20) 22 212 54 [email protected] [email protected] Madagascar Erymnochelys madagascariensis Ethnobiology; English, French
Vetter Holger M German Chelonia Group Kiefernweg 8 Bad Kreuznach 55543 Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49-(0)172-1079375 49-(0)671-76686 [email protected] [email protected] Europe; Germany I try to keep my interest as broad as possible, but I have experience with Testudo boettgeri, Agrionemys horsfieldii, Kinixys homeana, Chelydra serpentina, Sternotherus minor, Sternotherus odoratus and Geoemyda spengleri Writing, editing, educating English; German
Vinke Thomas M Filadelfia 853 9300 Fernheim Paraguay Germany 595-491-433109 595-981-102143 [email protected] [email protected] Paraguay mainly, additional Latin America, previously Southern Europe Chelonoidis carbonbaria, Chelonoidis chilensis, Acanthochelys macrocephala, Acanthochelys pallidipectoris, Kinosternon scorpioides Field work and breeding English; Spanish; French; German
Vogt Richard C. Dick M Pesquisador INPA Caixa Postal 478 Manaus 69083-000 Amazonas Brazil USA 55 92 3643 3394 Home 55 92 3644 2682, cell 55 92 9197 0017 55 92 3643 3394 [email protected] [email protected] Amazon Basin, Brazil; Mexico Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis erythrocephala, Podocnemis sextuberculata, Podocnemis unifilis, Peltocephalus dumerilianus, Phrynops gibbus, Phrynops geoffroanus, Phrynops tuberculatus, Phrynops raniceps, Phrynops rufipes, Platemys platycephala, Kinosternon scorpioides, Kinosternon leucostomum, Trachemys adiutrix, Staurotypus triporcatus, Claudius angustatus, Rhinoclemmys pucntularia, Chelus fimbriatus, Dermatemys mawii, Kinosternon acutum Graptemys taxonomy and conservation, Mexican Freshwater turtles, Amazonian turtles, Temperature controlled sex determination, sampling methods, radio telemetry, field methods English; Spanish; Portuguese
Walde Andrew D. M Walde Research & Environmental Consulting 7686 SVL Box 13233 Sea Gull Dr. Victorville 92395 California USA 1-760-887-7012 1-760-245-9823 [email protected] USA & Canada Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii); Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus); Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) General Ecology, nesting and reproduction, habitat use, movement and activity patterns, and thermoregulatory behaviors. English
Walker Ryan C.J. M Founder and Ecologist Nautilus Ecology 1 Pond Lane Greetham Rutland LE15 7NW United Kingdom +44(0)7739 740701 +44(0)7739 740701 [email protected] [email protected] www.nautilusecology .org Madagascar Pyxis arachnoides Ecology, conservation status, threats English
Walsh Timothy J. Tim M President Florida Turtle Conservation Trust 2422 Orange Ave Sanford 32771 Florida USA USA 14075142094 14072676827 14075142274 [email protected] [email protected] USA, Florida Sternotherus odoratus, Kinosternon baurii, Terrapene carolina bauri, Pseudemys concinna suwanniensis, Specific: Captive Husbandry; General: Ecology of Florida turtles English
Walton Elizabeth M. Beth F Assistant Professor Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Geography and Environmental Science Alumni Hall 1401 Edwardsville 62026 Illinois USA USA 336.317.5653 [email protected] USA Glyptemys muhlenbergii, Terrapene carolina carolina, Terrapene carolina triunguis Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Ecological Niche Modeling English
Webb Robert G. Bob M Emeritus Professsor Biological Sciences The University of Texas at El Paso Department of Biological Sciences El Paso 79968-0519 TX USA (915)747-6987 (915) 534-7620 (915) 747-5808 [email protected] SW USA, northern Mexico, Papua New Guinea; Indonesia Family Trionychidae Taxonomy/systematics, history, description, nomenclature (not life history information English
Weissgold Bruce J. M Senior CITES Policy Specialist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Management Authority 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Rm 700 Arlington 22203 VA USA 703/358-1987 or 800/358-2104 EXT. 1987 H: 703/560-1722, C: 703/346-8886 703/358-2298 [email protected] [email protected] // USA; Global All CITES, wildlife trade, sustainable utilization, legislation, outreach English
Wen Cheng M Ph.D. candidate Biology teacher in Honghe University Room 316, 32# Building Peking University No. 5, Yiheyuan Road Beijing 100871 China (+86)010-62762591 (+86)1314-127-3718 [email protected] [email protected] People's Republic of China Rafetus swinhoei Birds and fish in Yunnan, Rafetus swinhoei English; French; Chinese ; Japanese
Whitaker Nikhil M Curator Madras Crocodile Bank Trust P.O. Box 4 Mamallapuram Chennai 6030104 Tamil Nadu India ++91 44 27472685 ++91 98403 79164 (MOB) [email protected] India Kachuga kachuga, Aspideretes gangeticus, Melanochelys trijuga, Lissemys punctata, Kachuga dhongoka, Indotestudo travancorica Husbandry, Reproductive Biology, Growth English ; Tamil
Wilson Dawn S. F Director Southwestern Research Station P.O. Box 16553 Portal 85632 AZ USA 520-558-2396 520-558-1194 520-558-2018 [email protected] // USA; Southwest US Terrapene ornata luteola; Gopherus agassizii; Clemmys marmorata; Kinosternon bauri Reproductive ecology; Population biology English
Yasukawa Yuichirou M Research Staff District Office Okinawa, Takada Reptiles & Wildlife Research Institute 1-15-3 Teruya Okinawa 904-0011 Okinawa Japan Japan 81-98-929-1595 81-98-895-8937 81-98-895-8937 [email protected] [email protected] none Japan and East Asia Geoemyda japonica, G. spengleri, Cuora flavomarginata, Mauremys japonica, M. mutica, M. reevesii Systematics, ecology, captive breeding, and conservation English ; Japanese
Zaher Hussam M Associate Professor and Curator of Herpetology Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481 Ipiranga São Paulo 04263-000 SP Brazil (55 11) 61 65 80 90 (55 11) 37 26 23 42 (55 11) 61 65 81 13 [email protected] [email protected] Central and South America; Brazil Chelid species Systematics, phylogeny, biogeography English; French; Portuguese
Zappalorti Robert T. Bob M Executive Director/President Herpetological Associates, Inc. – Plant and Wildlife Consultants 17961 Southwest 39 Street Dunnellon 34432 FL USA 732-833-8600 (New Jersey), 352-489-7402 (Florida) New Jersey address: 575 Toms River Road, Jackson, New Jersey 08527 – USA 732-833-8601 (New Jersey) 609-618-0314 (Cell) 732-928-9257 [email protected] [email protected] // USA, especially the eastern half, and Taiwan Chelydra serpentina, Macroclemys temminckii, Sternothurus odoratus, S. minor, Clemmys guttata, Clemmys muhlenbergii, Clemmy insculpta, Terrapene carolina, T. c. major, Goperus polyphemus, Pseudemys rubriventris, P. nelsoni, Graptemys barbouri, and other eastern US species, Cuora flavomarginata in Taiwán. Conservation and Management Plans, Mitigation Plans, Presence or Absence Studies, Ecological Field Studies, Radio-tracking Studies, and Long-term Monitoring Studies. English
Zeigler F. William Bill M President Zeigler & Zeigler, Inc. (Tortoise and Turtle Conservation Center) 8440 SE 21st Avenue Ocala 34480 FL USA 352 402 0016 352 8041003 352 402 9331 [email protected] Malaysia, Indonesia Chinemys reevesii, Cistoclemmys picturata, C. bourreti, C. flavomarginata, Cyclemys dentata, Geochelone carbonaria, G. denticulate, G. elegans, G. p. pardalis, G. p. babcocki, G. sulcata, G. radiata, Geomyda spengleri, Goherus polyphemus, G. agassizii, Graptemys barbouri, G. nigrinoda delticola, G. n. nigrinoda, G. versa, Heosemys spinosa, Indotestudo elongata, I. forstenii, Kinixys homeana, K. spekii, Kinosternon ssp. Leucocephalon yuwonoi, Manouria e. emys. M. e. phayrei, Notochelys platynota, Podocnemis expansa, P. unifilis, Pseudemys ssp., Rhinoclemmys ssp., Testudo ssp.,Trachemys ssp. Captive Husbandry & Breeding, Exhibit Design, Fundraising, Marketing, English
Zhou Ting F Elementary engineer The Nanjing Association for Studying Turtles 201 Room, 20 House, 5th Road, Gu-Lou Area Nanjing 210009 Jiangsu China 086-025-83739782 086-025-86636189 [email protected] [email protected] China Research captive turtles of China, Cuora spp., Chinese species English; Chinese
Zovickian William H. Bill M Dentist 1010 Oak Valley Rd. Dacula 30019 GA USA 678.377.6102 [email protected] USA; Madagascar G. radiata, G. yniphora, G. platynota Tortoise husbandry, Bog Turtle Field studies and habitat requirements English
Zuffi Marco A.L. Marco M PhD University of Pisa, Museum of Natural History via Roma 79 Calci (Pisa) 56011 Pisa Italy Italy 39-050-2212967 39-055-375149; 39-347-2821568 39-050-2212975 [email protected] // Italy, France and Corsica, Spain, Morocco, Ecuador Testudo hermanni, Testudo graeca, Testudo hermanni, Emys orbicularis Reproductive biology, thermal ecology, functional morphology, biometry English; Spanish; Italian
Zug George R. M Senior curator & Research scientist National Museum of Natural History Divis. Amphibians & Reptiles/mrc162 Smithsonian Institution PO Box 37012 Washington 20013-7012 DC USA 1 202 633 0738 1 202 357 3043 [email protected] Oceania; Myanmar Cryptodires systematics, anatomy and ecology English
Zwartepoorte Hendrik A. Henk M Headkeeper Reptiles/ Turtle Conservation Officer Rotterdam Zoo Blijdorplaan 8 Rotterdam 3041 JG Netherlands 31 10 4431423 31 10 4659527 31 10 4431466 [email protected] Netherlands Rotterdam Zoo houses about 70 species of reptiles and 15 species of amphibians. Privately I keep 45 species of reptiles, mainly freshwater turtles and tortoises and arid lizards. European and African tortoises, South east Asian freshwater turtles; EEP coordinator for Testudo kleinmanni and T. werneri English; Dutch; German