TFTSG Newsletters
The TFTSG has at various times issued newsletters to its membership, first under the aegis of the separate Freshwater Chelonian Specialist Group (1981–1986) and the Tortoise Specialist Group (1985), and then later under the combined Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (1987–1990). These historical documents have all been scanned and are available here for public downloading. Our previous TFTSG online digital newsletter was TurtleLog, of which its four issues published in 2009 are also available here.
As of December 2023 we have launched Chelonian Conservation News as a more informal digital newsletter that we will distribute on an intermittent and as-needed basis. We encourage our members to submit news items and citations to newly published pertinent articles and announcements of upcoming events and meetings of interest to the TFTSG membership. Submissions may be made to Craig Stanford ([email protected]) and Anders Rhodin ([email protected]).
Current Newsletter
Chelonian Conservation News (2023– )
Archived Former Specialist Group Newsletters
TurtleLog Online Newsletter (4 issues, 2009)
Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Freshwater Chelonian Specialist Group (7 issues, 1981–1986)
Issue No. 1, February 1981 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 2, July 1981 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 3, February 1982 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 4, September 1982 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 5, January 1983 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 6, September 1984 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 7, October 1986 (Download pdf)
Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise Specialist Group (1 issue, 1985)
Issue No. 1, March 1985 (Download pdf)
Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (5 issues, 1987–1990)
Issue No. 1, May 1987 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 2, December 1987 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 3, December 1988 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 4, September 1989 (Download pdf)
Issue No. 5, October 1990 (Download pdf)