TurtleLog Table of Contents
Online Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
International Union for Conservation of Nature / Species Survival Commission
ISSN: 1947-7635 (online) • iucn-tftsg.org/turtlelog_online_newsletter/
TurtleLog (ISSN 1947-7635) is a formal online newsletter for members of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group for timely postings of short field reports and other time-sensitive information regarding turtle conservation issues or projects that are developing or in progress or in preliminary format. Timely updates on current conservation status, turtle trade and threats documentation, and legislative or regulatory developments are especially encouraged, or any turtle conservation issues benefitting from rapid and wide online dissemination and accessibility. Postings may be short and simple and intended for publication only here, or authors may revise or expand these postings into formal notes or articles published in traditional hardcopy scientific journals including Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter or Chelonian Conservation and Biology or other outlets. Publishing preliminary data here will not preclude later formal peer-reviewed publication elsewhere.
Submissions for consideration of publication are accepted from any individuals, but at least one of the authors on each posting must be a current member of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group.
Postings on TurtleLog are considered online publications, and are formally registered with individual DOI numbers, though they are not accompanied by actual hardcopy publications. However, downloadable pdf copies of the publications may be printed and distributed freely. Any information from these postings referenced in other publications needs to be appropriately cited by giving proper credit to the listed authors, date and title of the posting, as well as the DOI identifier and this website address.
Recommended citation format for postings on this site:
Emmett, D. 2009. Current conservation status of turtles in Cambodia. TurtleLog No. 1, doi:10/3854/tln.001.2009, //iucn-tftsg.org/turtlelog_online_newsletter/tln001/.
Postings are not formally peer-reviewed and only lightly edited. They must be reasonably short and pertinent to turtle conservation issues and not contain any inappropriately personal material; acceptance for publication on this site is at the discretion of the editor, in consultation if necessary with the TFTSG Steering Committee. Questionable or inappropriate submissions will not be posted, nor will taxonomic novelties. The inclusion of photographs is encouraged. Submit proposed publications to Anders Rhodin at [email protected].
Latest TurtleLog Publication
16 September 2009 – No. 4
Taxonomic and Morphometric Analysis of a
Trade Confiscation of Turtle Shells from Java, Indonesia
Roger C. Kendrick and Gary W.J. Ades
All TurtleLog Publications
1. Emmett, D. 2009. Current conservation status of turtles in Cambodia. 2 February. (download pdf)
2. Walker, R.C.J. 2009. Preliminary results of a population range and density survey for Pyxis arachnoides brygooi in Madagascar. 2 April. (download pdf)
3. Fidenci, P. and Maran, J. 2009. Illegal Domestic Trade of the Philippine Forest Turtle (Siebenrockiella leytensis) in the Philippines. 24 May. (download pdf)
4. Kendrick, R.C. and Ades, G.W.J. 2009. Taxonomic and Morphometric Analysis of a Trade Confiscation of Turtle Shells from Java, Indonesia. 16 September. (download pdf)